Sunday, December 30, 2012

GOP: 'We Have Acted. The Senate Has Not'

The amount of time left before America goes over the "fiscal cliff" can now be measured in mere hours. House lawmakers have been called back for Washington and Sean will return this Sunday night. President Obama met with Congressional leaders today but it does not appear that any deal has been reached.

Even though President Obama cut his wine vacation short, flew back to Washington today, he didn't seem too worried while playing his 108, 109th and 110th round of golf since the start of his presidency, and of course hitting the gym over the Christmas holidays.

Sean has said from the very beginning that the president wants to convince the American people that he will do everything in his power to stop the U.S. from going over this cliff. Unfortunately, that has never been the case. The president and his Democratic allies are hoping that we do go over the "fiscal cliff," and Sean made the contention that this has been their plan from day one. Why would Democrats send us over the cliff intentionally you ask? This would give the Democrats everything they want. Democrats would get to raise taxes on every American. They will would get massive defense cuts that they have always dreamed of and to top it all off, they would also get to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Republican lawmakers.


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