Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Supplements to take | Bodybuilding, Supplements, Diets, Workouts ...

Athletes, fitness fanatics, power lifters, runners alike, all struggle to know what supplements are a hoax and what are truly beneficial for your over all nutrition and to use in order to see gains applicable to their goals. Below is a full list of the TOP vitamins/minerals to consider adding to your regime. Research each one of the suggestions on your own time, in order to see if it does slot into your own program or goals.




Every athlete needs vitamin/mineral replenishment B-Complex

Stress Vitamin

Helps with hormone production/assimilation which assists in conversion of carb/proteins into energy

Lack of this vitamin can make you feel lethargic (B12 is great for energy!)

Vitamin C & Glutamine:

Muscle/tissue repair

Control Cortisol

Helps control hunger (vitamin C)

Proven Thermogenic (fat burner if taken with meals)

BCAA (amino acids which are lost during run/workouts) Increases protein synthesis

Suppresses the hormones that decrease recovery (i.e. Cortisol)

EFA (Essential Fatty Acids)

Helps with fat oxidization (eliminate)

Inflammation/join pain

Hormone Balance


BALANCE (body alkaline levels) An overly acidic environment = loss of nutrients/poor health & immune

Improve your cardiovascular & metabolism function

Vitamin D *sunshine vitamin*

Decrease infections/ regulates immune intolerance

Bone density Probioitc

Create/replace good bacteria in your gut (Lost from antibiotics/too much yeast/ digestive cleanses)

Proven to reduce allergies

Improves immune system (helps it to do what it supposed to do, so your body can function at its BEST!)

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