Saturday, April 21, 2012

4 week Home Staging Guide ? How To Stage Your House For A ...

Knowledge Is Power ? Learn How A Buyer Sees Your House

Putting your home on the market is one of the most stressful and confusing events you can face. Especially when you realize that buyers are not seeing your Home; they are seeing your house. A buyer?s critical eye can be a little offsetting. Okay, let?s face it? a lot offsetting. But, remember one thing; you are not alone! Yes, the process can be intimidating, but we?re here to help.

For the next 4 weeks you will be guided through the process of ?staging? your house for a quick sale. This is just another way to say you are going to make YOUR house the jewel of the real estate market in your neighborhood. But, before you dig in, take a deep breath. Let it out. You have a lot of work to do in the next 30 days to get your home ready. You will need a clear head and a strong constitution, but YOU CAN DO IT. Let?s get started! But first, a dose of reality.

4 week Home Staging Guide: Reality vs The Dream

The first thing to know is that we all live in a house that is much different from the vision of perfection a buyer has when they go house hunting. House buyers are fastidious and have visions of neat perfection. These same buyers may live with life?s clutter in their own house, but when they go shopping for a new house, they expect neat, tidy, and absolutely uncluttered.

Home staging is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home.?Guide or definition of home staging

But, the truth is that we have busy lives and we LIVE in our house. It?s hard to separate our house from our life. We end up with shoe piles in the hallway, laundry baskets permanently perched at the bottom of the stairs, and small appliances lining our kitchen counter-tops like little culinary soldiers. Is this so wrong? The awful truth is, yes. When you are staging your house to sell, clutter is a deal-breaker. Is that fair? Maybe not. Is it true? Definitely.

In order to make your house as salable and appealing as possible, you need to match the buyer?s dream, and a clean slate is the only way a buyer can see their dream. To you, the seller, this may mean some big changes. So, where do you start? By learning more about what a buyer wants.

How To Stage Your House: Your Assignment of Home Staging?

To get a sense of just how far apart a buyer?s dream is from your reality, visit a model home or two. Pick a few new home communities and look at the models. Go to open houses in communities where houses are selling.

Take a notepad with you. When you get out of your car, jot down your first impressions. What struck you about this house the moment you drove up and got out of the car? Was it the clean driveway? The sparkling windows? The flower beds? Perhaps it was something distracting, like a broken light fixture. Whatever it was, jot it down, good or bad.

Now walk in the front door and, again, write down your first thoughts. Were you impressed by how spacious the rooms appear? Did you notice how all the rooms are so bright and sunny? Maybe the clean lines and tasteful decor were appealing. Maybe you can even imagine yourself living there! Does it feel like you just walked into the pages of a home decorating magazine, or are you trying to find a bare spot somewhere, anywhere, to set your purse?

Did something just click? When you look around as a buyer, what impresses you, and what distresses you? That?s exactly what you need to know when staging your house for sale. Knowledge is power and knowing what a buyer is looking for is exactly what it takes to sell your house. Day 1 is all about learning how a buyer sees a house ? YOUR house! Now, you are ready to begin staging your house to sell. So, get some good rest tonight and prepare yourself for a busy home staging day tomorrow.

About:?Home Staging Unique Lamps And Home Decoration Accessories Guide

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