Wednesday, October 31, 2012

AfAA Announces Winners of Paper Awards - Anthropology News

This year, the AfAA Graduate and Undergraduate Award Committees received a number of strong submissions for both the Bennetta Jules-Rosette Graduate Paper Award and the Nancy (?Penny?) Schwartz Undergraduate Paper Award.?Many of the papers were excellent.

Bennetta Jules-Rosette Graduate Paper Award

The graduate award winner is George Paul Meiu (Department of Anthropology, U Chicago) for ?Beach-Boy Elders and Young Big Men: Queering the Temporalities of Aging in Kenya?s Ethno-Erotic Economies.? Meiu is an accomplished young scholar, who has already published a number of articles during his graduate career.?His innovative award submission uses an African example to tackle global issues of sexuality, ethnicity and aging.?Meiu sheds ethnographic light on issues that often remain hidden within Africanist discourse. He emphasizes the role of African masculinity within colonial and postcolonial imaginations, and he insightfully analyzes the ways in which these discourses shape contemporary networks of tourism and sexual trafficking. Case studies are drawn from the Maasai ?Mombasa Morans? and their participation in sexual tourism. The paper comes highly recommended by Professor Jean Comaraff (U Chicago).?Meiu will receive the $500 award stipend and travel funds to attend the Annual AAA Meetings.


Maasai and Samburu men, adorned in red shukas, are common sights along Kenya?s coast. Many are hired for security for private homes and hotels, others for entertainment in tourist facilities, and some engage in sexual tourism. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Coffman.

Honorable Mention goes to Mohamed Abumaye (Department of Sociology, UC San Diego), who has written a highly original paper on the role of oral history in cultural change entitled ?Silenced into Non-Existence: Living History of Somali Orality.??His paper examines the myths and oral history accounts surrounding the story of Empress Arrawelo in Somalia. The paper demonstrates the permutation of the Arrawelo account from its traditional format to contemporary, postmodern rap versions.??The paper contains a critique of the work of IM Lewis on the Arrawelo myth, as well as theoretical discussions based on the work of Michel Foucault, VY Mudimbe, and Jacques Depelchin.?Supplemental funds from UC San Diego?s African and African-American Studies Research Center will provide for Mohamed Abumaye?s attendance of the AAA meetings in San Francisco.

Nancy (?Penny?) Schwartz Undergraduate Paper Award

The winner by unanimous acclaim is Divya Bhat (International Studies, UC San Diego) for her senior honors thesis entitled ?Survival Strategies as Islands of Security: Social Change and Development in the Congo.??The thesis addresses theories of governance and development in Congo DRC in relationship to survival strategies adopted by communities and individuals throughout the country.??A focus is placed on case studies of family units, religious movements, the informal sector and the diamond trade, and youth culture.??Each of these case studies is employed to demonstrate the resiliency of the Congolese people in the face of the disintegration of the national government and formal institutional and social networks.?The thesis was awarded highest honors at the UC San Diego.?This is Divya?s second award submission to the AfAA.??In 2011, she received an honorable mention for her research on child witches in the Congo.?Divya relies on the research of Rene Devisch and Filip De Boeck in scaffolding her argument.?Divya will be unable to attend the San Francisco meetings as she has recently entered the graduate program in Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam.?Divya will receive a $100 award stipend.

Courtney Dehn-Gurbacki (International Studies, McGill U) receives an honorable mention for ?The Mediation of Large-Scale Farmland Deals: A Tanzanian Case Study.??This excellent senior honors thesis in International Development Studies incorporates anthropology within a wider interdisciplinary and applied framework. Dehn-Gurbacki examines the process of land acquisition in Tanzania and the development of large-scale commercial agriculture.??She effectively balances global and local concerns by focusing on the cultural practices and processes of land acquisition and allocation. The thesis presents a number of Tanzanian case studies and builds upon primary fieldwork in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda.??She bases her research on the work of Olivier De Schutter as well as a number of reports from international agencies, including the World Bank and various nongovernmental organizations.?Long-term AfAA members John Galaty and Karen McAllister served as advisors for the project.

To learn more about AfAA and to find more details about the annual awards, please visit our website at


Please send photos and column ideas to Jennifer Coffman, James Madison University,


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Bolognese Madness - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes?

Oct 30


What could taste better than a most luscious, full-flavoured, Mediterranean Bolognese ?? Now that?s my feeling ? but the comfort and anticipation of the culinary pleasure one receives from this simple yet delicious sauce is truly fulfilling and magnificent ? the house is filled with the aroma it emits, and the anticipation of dinner is just filled with joy.? I make many versions, and here is one for you to make and enjoy any time of the year.? Easy to make too !

Serves 2-3


extra virgin olive oil

1 medium sized onion, very finely chopped (you can do this in the food processor to save time)

2 to 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 or 3 bay leaves

1 x 14 oz (400g) tin chopped tomatoes (get good quality here)

? tsp coriander seeds (optional)

1 tsp agave nectar, or brown sugar

? cup (60 mL) white wine

? tsp hot curry powder

2 Tbsp tomato paste/puree

1 tsp sea salt

2 cups of veggie mince of your choice? (ground ?meat? substitute, or crumble), such as Gardein brand ? I used Linda McCartney?s.

? tsp oregano

1 Tbsp brown sauce (I used HP)

1 tsp vegetable stock granules, powder or cube, such as Kallo (optional)

1 tsp vegan butter (optional)

1 cup (250 mL) water

1 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)

freshly chopped flat leaf parsley, for garnishing

salt to taste


  1. First, heat up your oil in a large non-stick saucepan, throw in the onion and garlic, and stir, making sure that they don?t burn.
  2. When the mixture has become translucent, add the mince, and continue to mix for a further 5 to 10 minutes, so that the flavors merge.
  3. Next, add the tomato paste and the spices, whilst continuing to mix for a few more minutes.
  4. Now add the remaining ingredients, except for the water and wine.? Mix, and allow to cook for a few more minutes, adding a little water and wine at a time, until all of the liquid has been added. Cover, and allow to simmer very gently on a low heat for 20 minutes or so.
  5. Taste for salt ? your tongue should resonate with a wonderful balance of sweet and savoury ? if needs be, add more agave or salt to reach that ?note?.
  6. Serve with the pasta of your choice, and garnish with parsley.?? Enjoy !

All recipes and content ? Miriam Sorrell 2010

These are free recipes for your pleasure ? all we ask in return is that you take a few moments to leave us a constructive comment !

suitable for vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Finance and Career Magazine: Top 6 Rules for Retirement Investing

Planning for your retirement is very important. It might mean the difference between living from hand to mouth and living comfortably when the time for retirement comes. As with most things in life, there are factors that are under your control when you are saving for your retirement fund. Knowing what these factors are and what rules to play by when investing for retirement, will go a long way in helping you attain your goal. The following are the most important rules to follow, while planning for retirement investing.

Prepare Early Enough

Most people make the mistake of waiting until the last minute before they start investing for retirement. Don?t go down this road; start by saving for your retirement fund early enough. Remember that the three most important factors that will impact on your investment are the rate of return, time and the amount you have invested. This therefore means that time is of utmost importance when you are investing. Even if this means taking unsecured loans to meet your goals, go for them early enough.

Have Different Investment Portfolios

Ever heard of the saying ?don?t put all your eggs in one basket?? This also holds true for your retirement investment. By having different portfolios, you will be able to achieve the various financial goals that you are aiming for. For example, you can have a portfolio for your child?s education, one for medical care and another one for your retirement. Because of the time factor, you will find how much cash you devote to a certain portfolio can change as time goes on.

Use the Compounding Effect to Your Advantage

The compounding effect comes into play when you take the returns of your retirement investment and re-invest back. You should therefore make it a priority to re-invest all the interest you have earned throughout the year back to your retirement investing account so as to earn more interest the year after. It is simply unbelievable how this re-invested cash grows in leaps and bounds over a certain period of time.

Diversify Your Retirement Investment

The purpose of diversifying your retirement portfolio is to spread the risk. Take note that a good investment is one, which is not affected much by market volatility. After all, if your investment is so sensitive to supply and demand swings, you might wake up one day and realize that all your savings have been wiped away. Diversifying, therefore, helps you to avoid such pitfalls and ensures that your portfolios are stable from the market dynamics.

Keep Emotions Out Of Your Investment

It is human nature to become overconfident when things are going fine and panic when things go wrong. This is simply not the best way to run a retirement investment. Suppose you have taken unsecured loans and invested into the stock market. Should the market crash and you panic, you are bound to sell your shares at a dirt-cheap price and lose a lot. However, should you stay calm during this time and wait until the stock market goes up again, you will have saved your investment from losing value and may even have a better chance to make a killing.

Seek Financial Help

A lot of people fear to seek information from experts even when they don?t know what to do. By talking to a financial expert about your plans, you will get insight on which areas to invest and which ones to avoid. Also, you will learn a lot about investment fundamentals and how to invest wisely. For example, you might have thought of taking unsecured loans to finance your home but get to know that the best thing is to invest this money in the stock market where it will grow and bring you interest.


Janice Thompson.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

EU's Ashton to discuss "next steps" with Iran negotiator


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Bloomberg: Apple's Pandora-Killing Internet Radio Service Is Coming Early Next Year

Bloomberg reports that Apple is currently negotiating licensing deals with record labels in hopes that it can launch an Internet radio service "within the first three months of 2013." The service would be a formidable competitor to Pandora. More »


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Split testing met Google AdWords: hoe aan te pakken

Split testing in AdWords
Wil je een split test uitvoeren in AdWords? Zorg dan dat je dit correct aanpakt om daarna gefundeerde beslissingen te kunnen nemen!

Als marketeer hebben we allemaal al wel eens over over A/B testing of split testing gehoord. In een meer theoretisch kader van marktonderzoek verstaan we onder deze terminologie een experiment dat wordt opgezet om twee alternatieven te testen en een wederzijdse impact te elimineren. Ook in online advertising weten we graag welke?initiatieven?het beste presteren en hoe we ons budget optimaal kunnen spenderen, afgaande op concrete cijfers en het gedrag van gebruikers. En ook in de online marketing sfeer krijgen we een beter zicht in dat gedrag door experimenten en tests te doen. Maar hier is het des te meer zo belangrijk om een geschikte testomgeving op te zetten en op die manier de juiste en correcte cijfers te bekomen?

Split testing in een online context

Split testing

Ook in een digitaal kader is split testing een zeer bruikbare methode om verschillende opties af te wegen. In se gaat het om gebruikers op te splitsen in twee groepen, die elks op hun beurt de te testen alternatieven te zien krijgen. Wat belangrijk is, is om ervoor te zorgen dat de testgebruikers de te testen versies op een willekeurige basis krijgen te zien. Zo elimineer je variabelen die aan de basis zouden kunnen liggen voor een verschillend gedrag van de testgebruikers.

Het probleem? Er zijn werkelijk te veel variabelen die ervoor kunnen zorgen dat de onderverdeling van de testgebruikers niet langer op willekeurige wijze verloopt. Praktisch gezien moet zulk experiment te lang lopen met te veel testpersonen om werkelijk gefundeerde resultaten te kunnen opleveren. Zulke experimenten kunnen slechts een indicatie geven van wat een perfect gecontroleerde test zou kunnen opleveren.

Split testing met Google AdWords

Experimenten worden vaak op kleine schaal uitgevoerd in AdWords. Levert advertentie A of advertentie B het meeste conversies op? Welke landingspagina is het meest geschikt voor een bepaalde advertentie? Werken informatieve, of juist agressievere sitelinks beter? Stuk voor stuk zijn dit vraagstukken die een aanzienlijke impact kunnen hebben op het succes van een online advertising campagne. En dus is het experimenteren geblazen! Een mogelijkheid is om in gedurende maand 1 alternatief A te vertonen of in te schakelen en vervolgens in maand 2 over te schakelen op alternatief B. Daarna is het een kwestie van beide testperiodes met elkaar te vergelijken en je conclusies vloeien daaruit voort??

Neen. Deze werkwijze staat haaks op het fundamenteel idee dat de te onderzoeken alternatieven onder gelijke (of meer realistisch: ?vergelijkbare?) omstandigheden moeten getest worden. En in bovenstaande experimenteringswijze is de tijd een grote, invloedrijke variabele die je testresultaten vertekent.

Zet een aparte experimentencampagne op

Om een zo correct mogelijk experiment op te zetten binnen AdWords, start je alvast eerst met een aparte, autonome?campagne?te?cre?ren?die enkel wordt gebruikt voor split testing. Dankzij een aparte campagne leun je het dichtst mogelijk aan bij een gecontroleerde testomgeving. Maak per experiment een aparte ad group aan waarin je de testen elementen integreert. Wil je bijvoorbeeld verschillende advertenties tegenover elkaar zetten en de meest performante gebruiken voor je lopende campagne? Zorg dan zeker dat je de juiste Ad Rotation instellingen inschakelt! Want advertenties moeten een vergelijkbaar aandeel verkeer krijgen toegewezen, opdat jij kunt oordelen welk het beste presteert. Kies dus zeker voor de ?Rotate Evenly?-optie, om ervoor te zorgen dat in het begin alle te testen advertenties een redelijk aandeel van het totaal toe te wijzen verkeer krijgen.

Rotate evenly AdWords

Lees zeker ook deze gerelateerde artikels:

  1. Adwords Express vervangt Google Boost
  2. Google AdWords: automatiseer uw biedingen via adwords bid rules-functionaliteit
  3. AdWords + Google Voice = AdWords Call Metrics
  4. Google AdWords optimaliseert uw conversies
  5. AdWords optimaliseren: 7 fundamentele tips voor een succesvolle Google AdWords campagne

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Republican Voter Suppression App Designed By The Onion

Screen shot 2012-10-24 at 1.29.16 PMIntimidating voters at the polls is so 19th century. And, now that courts continue to overturn Republican voter ID laws, based on the fact that just 10 incidences of voter fraud in the last decade doesn't justify disenfranchising thousands of minority voters without a driver's license, what is the GOP to do? Thankfully, America's #1 fake news site has reimagined voter suppression for the 21st century, with a smartphone app that automatically applies time-tested voter intimidation to dark-skinned voters. Check out their concept video at the end of this post.


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Creative at Home Wednesday 10/23/12 #22 - Susan Godfrey

Creative at Home Wednesday is a weekly Link-Up Party all about those creative things you do at home! We are looking for all your creative posts, crafts/hobbies, food/cooking/recipes, home decor/remodel, fun & games for the kids, homemaking, etc. If it?s creative, we want you to share it! Please join in the fun and do a little blog hopping! This is a fun way to discover new blogs and make some new friends. Leave a link to ANY AND ALL of your creative blog posts


  1. Post a link to your creative posts to the linky below. Simply click on the text link that says: You are next? Click here to enter
  2. Enter your DIRECT link to the post you wish to share and fill out the remaining information requested.
  3. You may enter as many links as you desire.
  4. You MAY link to other link-ups, giveaways, and reviews..
  5. Once you post a link to your blog post, please place a text link or use the graphic below to link back to the Creative at Home Link-Up Party. You should have a link to this link-up part on EACH post you share here.
  6. Be sure to also click ?like? on any article you liked to vote for that article. I will be featuring the most popular articles next week on the blog and my Facebook page!
  7. Have fun! I can?t wait to see what links you leave behind!

If you would like to use the graphic below, simply cut and paste the html coding out of the box below the graphics to quickly link back to here.

Creative at Home Wednesday is now a BLOG HOP, which means you can now put the code on your website so your readers can join in! Read here to find out what a blog hop is. You can get the code to add to your blog by clicking here!! This is a great way to add readers to your blog and to share Creative at Home Wednesday!

Related posts:

  1. Creative @ Home Wednesday Link-Up Party Creative @ Home Wednesday is a weekly Link-Up Party all about those creative things you do at home! We are looking for all your creative...
  2. Creative @ Home Wednesday Link-Up Party!! Creative @ Home Wednesday is a weekly Link-Up Party all about those creative things you do at home! We are looking for all your creative...
  3. Creative at Home Wednesday Link-Up Party Creative at Home Wednesday is a weekly Link-Up Party all about those creative things you do at home! We are looking for all your creative...
  4. Creative at Home Wednesday Link-Up Party! Creative at Home Wednesday is a weekly Link-Up Party all about those creative things you do at home! We are looking for all your creative...
  5. Creative at Home Wednesday #20 Creative at Home Wednesday is a weekly Link-Up Party all about those creative things you do at home! We are looking for all your creative...
This entry was posted in Blog Link-Ups, Creative at Home by Susan. Bookmark the permalink. Susan Godfrey is a stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mom, who is also the creator and editor of Finding Beauty blog. Susan is also the author of the book "The Titus 2 Woman" available on, as well as several other books. She is also an independent Tupperware consultant, you can visit her Tupperware blog at When not writing about her thoughts on faith, family and living the simple, country life, she enjoys cooking, sewing, crochet and reading.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New super-camera turned on enigmatic ancient writing

Joanna Carver, reporter


(Images: University of Oxford)

High-definition imaging still has a cutting-edge ring to it, but it could bring us the solution to a mystery that's been puzzling scholars for nearly as long as scholars have existed. With the newly developed Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) system, we can examine ancient artefacts better than ever before - which means there's a chance at deciphering at last an engimatic script from 5000 years ago.

Proto-Elamite is the world's oldest undeciphered script, used between 3200 and 3000 BC in what is now Iran. Although it has some similarities with Mesopotamian, 80 to 90 per cent of it isn't understood.

"I have spent the past 10 years trying to decipher the proto-Elamite writing system and, with this new technology, I think we are finally on the point of making a breathrough," said Jacob Dahl of the University of Oxford, a co-leader of the Cuneiform Digital Library.


The RTI, developed by researchers at the University of Oxford and the University of Southampton, UK, is essentially a dome with 76 lights and a camera at the top (see above). After placing a manuscript or artefact in the centre, the object is photographed 76 times, each time with just one of the lights on. Afterward, the images are merged and uploaded to the Cuneiform Digital Library website for free access. The finished image allows observers to virtually move light across the object and better see the subtle differences hidden by shadow or light in ordinary photographs.

"The quality of the images captured is incredible," Dali said. "And it is important to remember that you cannot decipher a writing system without having reliable images because you will, for example, overlook differences barely visible to the naked eye which may have meaning."

The Louvre museum in Paris, France, has allowed the RTI team access to its 1100 proto-Elamite tablets. More scholars will now be able to access and study them, and the hope is that they will crack the code. Then, we'll all be forced to admit that high definition has advanced the human race.


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Obama Has Seen Where Hamas' Rockets Land in Israel- "Near their children?s bedrooms"

Of course there is not. But when children get killed the blame goes to those who started the war. Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the blame goes to Hamas who kept firing rockets (10,000 rockets) at Israel for several years until Israel could take it no more. And of course you are right, the Palestinian children suffer disproportionately. Take a close look at my avatar and you will hopefully understand why. Israel builds bombshelters in school yards, Hamas builds rocket launchers there.

So, you're saying that the Palestinians are responsible for their own death because they revolt against Israel taking over more and more of their land? And you are saying that Palestinians are responsible for the death of their own children because they are unable to gather enough equipment to build bunkers and bomb shelters in their school yards. . .while Israel keeps such a tight embargo on ALL building products and even food and medicine that the international community feels it is their duty to send ships with supplies over. . .and those ships get attacked by Israel?

Wow! You obviously are demonstrating that you are a fair minded person! I wonder if you also think that it is the fault of the women who are being abused by their husbands, or raped. And, as long as we're at it, it probably was the fault of the Black slaves if their owner had to beat them to a pulp and sell their children to the highest bidder, right?

After all, all those women and slaves had to do was to accept the abuse of their "owner and master" with a smile on their face. . .right?


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Lawyer: SAfrica mine owners planned violence


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gig review: Charlotte Church, Glasgow


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Video: Yahoo CEO Mayer's First Earnings Report

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Seven Elements of a Good Business Website | Fearlessflyer

Your website is the first impression that many potential customers will have of your business, so it is vital to ensure that it is both eye-catching and a good representative of your company. The following seven tips will help you provide visitors with a website that will encourage them to do business with you.

business website 477x323 Seven Elements of a Good Business Website

1) Speed

No one likes to wait for a website to load, so it is important to make sure that yours loads quickly. This means that you should either minimize or completely avoid things such as Flash graphics and music or videos that play automatically.

2) Mobile Accessibility

The emergence of smartphones and tablets have made it imperative for your website to support mobile accessibility. There are two ways that you can achieve this: your site can be simplistic enough to easily load on a mobile device or it can automatically bounce to a mobile friendly version when applicable.

3) Access to Social Networking Pages

Although your website will draw people in, it is still important to send them to your social networking pages. After all, if they start following you on Facebook or Twitter, they will be much more likely to remember your company in the future when they have a need for your product or service.

4) Design

Many designers once believed that websites needed to be really flashy in order to capture the average Internet user?s attention, but it has become increasingly clear that most people actually prefer a clean, streamlined website.

design 484x323 Seven Elements of a Good Business Website

It is the suggestion of our SEO Atlanta company, that it is more important to have an easy to utilize navigation bar and easy to read text than it is to spend an exorbitant amount of time designing an especially confusing design. It is necessary to stand apart from your competitors, but you can do that without making your website look like the Las Vegas Strip.

5) Content

Regardless of what industry you are in, your customers are always going to be interested in accessing quality content. The written aspects of your website need to be proofread for errors before they are posted, and it is always a good idea to hire a writer to ensure that the content is highly readable. You should also consider having a section of your site that allows consumers to learn more about your industry. For example, if you are a photographer, you should post articles on your website that teach your clients tips for getting the perfect photo.

6) Privacy Statement

If you have an online store or collect information from your customer via your website, then you should have a comprehensive privacy statement that allows visitors to learn exactly how you will store and use their information. The presence of a privacy policy will make consumers feel more comfortable even if they choose not to read it.

7) Graphics

The Internet is a highly visual medium, so you need to provide images that represent your company or industry. Avoid using clip art, though, and keep in mind that fresh graphics are always better than commonly used stock images.

graphics 486x323 Seven Elements of a Good Business Website

If you want examples of what to do versus what not to do, simply visit top sites and take a look at what they all have in common. Sites such as Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia and YouTube all provide information in a more simplistic format, and this makes them much more accessible to users.

Saam Banai is a writer, editor, and freelance web designer. He contributes this article for Everspark Interactive, a SEO Atlanta firm that specializes in blog integration and development, social media marketing, video production, and a holistic point of view when it comes to customer service. They are always learning, adapting, and perfecting Search Engine Optimization methods as the engines improve their algorithms.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

New guidelines to prevent cheerleading injuries

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Over the past few decades, cheerleading has evolved from leading the crowd in cheers at football games to a competitive, year-round sport featuring complex acrobatic stunts performed by a growing number of athletes- and as a result the number and severity of injuries from cheerleading has also surged.

In a new policy statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urges coaches, parents and school officials to follow injury-prevention guidelines, develop emergency plans and ensure cheerleading programs have access to the same level of qualified coaches, medical care and injury surveillance as other sports.

"Cheerleading has become extremely competitive in the past few years, incorporating more complex skills than ever before," said pediatric sports medicine specialist Cynthia LaBella, MD, FAAP, member of the AAP Council on Sports Medicine & Fitness and co-author of the new guidelines. "Relatively speaking, the injury rate is low compared to other sports, but despite the overall lower rate, the number of catastrophic injuries continues to climb. That is an area of concern and needs attention for improving safety."

The policy statement, "Cheerleading Injuries: Epidemiology and Recommendations for Prevention," will be released at a news conference at 9 a.m. Monday, Oct. 22, at the AAP National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans and published in the November 2012 issue of Pediatrics (published online Oct. 22).

Although most high schools and colleges have cheerleaders, only 29 state high school athletic associations recognize cheerleading as a sport, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) does not include competitive cheerleading in its list of sponsored sports. This is important, according to the AAP, because being classified as a sport gives athletes valuable protection including qualified coaches, well-maintained practice facilities, access to certified athletic trainers, mandated sports physicals and surveillance of injuries.

From 1990 to 2003, the number of U.S. cheerleaders age 6 and older increased by roughly 600,000, from 3 million to 3.6 million. Since 2007, there are 26,000 cheerleading injuries in the U.S. annually. Cheerleading accounts for 66 percent of all catastrophic injuries in high school female athletes over the past 25 years.

Most injuries are sprains and strains to the lower extremities, followed by head and neck injuries.

Cheerleading can include fast-paced floor routines and physically demanding skills, including pyramid building and lifting, tossing, and catching athletes in the air. These stunts account for 42 percent to 60 percent of all injuries, and 96 percent of all concussions. Cheerleading is one of the highest risk sporting events for direct catastrophic injuries that can result in permanent brain injury, paralysis or death.

Risk factors for cheerleading injuries include previous injury, cheering on hard surfaces, higher body mass index, performing complicated stunts, and inadequate coaching. As in other sports, cheerleading injury rates increase with competition level and age. Collegiate cheerleaders have a higher rate of injury than middle and high school competitors.

"Most serious injuries, including catastrophic ones, occur while performing complex stunts such as pyramids, according to Jeffrey Mjaanes, MD, FAAP, FACSM, member of the AAP Council on Sports Medicine & Fitness and co-author of the new guidelines. "Simple steps to improve safety during these stunts could significantly decrease the injury rate and protect young cheerleaders."

The AAP makes key recommendations for preventing injuries, including:

  • Cheerleading should be designated as a sport in all states, allowing for benefits such as qualified coaches, better access to medical care and injury surveillance.

  • All cheerleaders should have a pre-season physical, and access to qualified strength and conditioning coaches.

  • Cheerleaders should be trained in all spotting techniques and only attempt stunts after demonstrating appropriate skill progression.

  • Pyramid and partner stunts should be performed only on a spring/foam floor or grass/turf. Never perform stunts on hard, wet or uneven surfaces. Pyramids should not be more than 2 people high.

  • Coaches, parents and athletes should have access to a written emergency plan.

  • Any cheerleader suspected of having a head injury should be removed from practice or competition and not allowed to return until he or she has clearance from a health professional.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Academy of Pediatrics.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Council On Sports Medicine and Fitness. Policy Statement: Cheerleading Injuries: Epidemiology and Recommendations for Prevention. Pediatrics, 2012; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-2480

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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University of Michigan uses school funds ? against rules ? to promote left-wing event

The University of Michigan used school resources and state tax dollars to advertise a partisan event entitled ?The Republican War on Women,? according to the Michigan Capitol Confidential website. Such paid advertising violates the school?s own policies charges a candidate for the University?s Board of Regents, Robert Steele.

According to the University of Michigan?s own website, Michigan law prohibits ?using an official University e-mail list or listserv to campaign for or against a ballot initiative or candidate running for office.? Michigan law also prohibits ?purporting to speak on behalf of the University when supporting or opposing a candidate or ballot initiative.?

The event, sponsored by the Communications Studies Department, is scheduled to occur tonight on Michigan?s hallowed Ann Arbor campus.

Steele has charged that the ?Republican War on Women? was listed as a factual statement for the event and that the University used its email system to advertise the event.

After Steele raised a ruckus about the event, the University of Michigan website quickly changed the title by adding a question mark. However, Michigan Capitol Confidential preserved the original image.

?The question mark came on only after people started complaining,? Steele said, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential. ?Because they are so liberal in their mindset, it never occurs to them that they violate their own rules.?

The school also changed the graphic associated with the event. The original graphic prominently included a red shooting target eerily similar to the one for which Sarah Palin was so roundly criticized after Arizona Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot. In the aftermath of that shooting, many on the left called for a ?return to civility.?

Each speaker at the event is a severe critic of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and a left winger straight out of central casting.

One panelist, Anna Holmes of the Washington Post, tweeted during a presidential debate that she needed Obama to win, reports Michigan Capitol Confidential. Holmes also charged in a tweet that Romney?s ?condescending tone towards women (incl moderator) shows mindset of sexist policies.?

Another panelist, Katha Pollitt, a writer for ?The Nation,? wrote in August of this year: ?I?m ashamed for my sex that any woman is still planning to vote for Romney and Ryan.?

The third panelist, Rebecca Traister of, has alleged that the Republican Party wants to use a time machine of some kind to reconstruct 1950s-type social barriers.

The moderator, Susan J. Douglas, Chair of Michigan?s Communication Studies Department, has sent contributions to both President Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee.

Douglas has also written several books including ?The Mommy Myth,? which purports to show how ?vampire slayers, tomb raiders? and other ?girl-power fantasies? hold women back, according to panelist Katha Pollitt.

Douglas also wrote an article earlier this year titled, ?It?s the Stupid Republicans, Stupid.? That article appeared in the pages of ?In These Times,? a periodical founded by avowed socialist James Weinstein.

On Saturday, Rick Fitzgerald, associate director of public affairs at the University of Michigan, offered no comment on Monday?s scheduled symposium.

On Sunday, though, Kelly Cunningham, Michigan?s director of public affairs, attempted to diffuse the appearance of impropriety by explaining that Monday?s event will be no garden-variety discussion of politics. Instead, an event called ?The Republican War on Women? will focus on the media?s coverage of the election.

?Monday?s forum is not about election politics,? Cunningham told Michigan Capitol Confidential. ?It?s about how the media is involved in politics.?

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Square's New Mid-Market Headquarters - Business Insider

Hudson Pacific Properties

Square, the digital-payments startup,?plans to have 1,000 employees by the end of next year, so it's signed a lease on a new headquarters.

The address: 1455 Market Street.

That's awfully convenient for Square CEO Jack Dorsey, who is also the cofounder and chairman of Twitter. Twitter's headquarters are one block away, and Dorsey still visits occasionally, despite cutting back on his duties at Twitter. (He says he goes there either one afternoon a week or every other day, depending on when you ask him.)

But we think there's another reason Square's CEO might be keen on the location. Dorsey makes frequent historical references in his interviews. The building at 1455 Market was formerly occupied almost entirely by Bank of America.

Right across the street is another Bank of America facility which at one point handled a huge volume of paper-based payments, scanning deposited checks, crediting accounts, and shipping the checks on to other banks. Together the buildings functioned as the bank's digital nerve center for a vast portion of its operations in California.

Regulations have changed, allowing most checks to get scanned and digitized rather than shipped around the country at enormous expense. But for its time, the facility was cutting-edge. Time magazine wrote about it in 1960 under the headline, "BANKING: The Machines Take Over."

So we're not surprised that Dorsey, who has talked about his company as a "revolution," would choose to plunk Square down at this site.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Qatar's emir to head to Hamas-ruled Gaza

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) ? The ruler of Qatar is expected in the Gaza Strip this week, in what would be a major stamp of legitimacy for the territory's Islamic militant Hamas rulers.

Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani would be the first head of state to arrive here since Hamas seized Gaza five years ago, setting a strong signal that the Islamic militants are emerging from international isolation.

The leader of the Gulf emirate is also set to launch $254 million worth of construction projects, including three roads, a hospital and a new town that will bring thousands of jobs to the impoverished territory.

Hamas' Palestinian opponents in the West Bank were watching the emir's plans with some concern. They fear that any gestures that strengthen Hamas' hold on Gaza will make the Islamists less inclined to end the Palestinian political rift.

The emir called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas late Sunday and informed him of his plans to visit Gaza and inaugurate construction projects there, said Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeneh. Abbas welcomed Qatar's aid to Gaza, but also called for pressure on Hamas to end the Palestinian political split, the spokesman said.

That rift broke open in 2007, after Hamas seized Gaza from the internationally backed Abbas. Since then, the two camps have run rival governments, Hamas in Gaza and Abbas in parts of the Israeli-controlled West Bank. Abbas hopes to negotiate the terms of Palestinian statehood in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem with Israel, while Hamas believes such efforts are a waste of time and instead is tightening its hold on Gaza.

Repeated reconciliation attempts between Abbas and Hamas have failed, with neither side willing to give up power in their respective territories. Earlier this year, the emir of Qatar brought together Abbas and Hamas' supreme leader in exile, Khaled Mashaal, for yet another deal. Under the arrangement signed in Doha, Abbas was to lead an interim unity government to pave the way for presidential and parliamentary elections in the Palestinian territories.

However, senior Hamas officials in Gaza accused Mashaal at the time of not consulting with them first and torpedoed the deal, unwilling to give Abbas a renewed foothold in Gaza. Hamas has been holding secret leadership elections since then, and Mashaal announced last month he is no longer seeking another term in the top spot.

The upcoming visit by the Qatari ruler ? a boon to Hamas ? has been shrouded in secrecy. By late Sunday, Qatar had not made a formal announcement, leaving open the possibility that it could be called off at the last minute because of concerns over security or the political ramifications.

However, an Egyptian security official and officials in Gaza involved in arranging the trip said the emir is expected for a four-hour visit Tuesday. He is to be accompanied by some 50 people, including his wife, his prime minister, business leaders, intellectuals and security officials, they said on condition of anonymity because no formal date has been announced.

Qatar expanded its regional influence during the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled dictators in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt last year, lending support to protesters linked to the region wide Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas is an offshoot of the Brotherhood, but has adopted a more militant ideology as part of its conflict with Israel.

In anticipation of the emir's visit, Gaza's streets have been decorated with billboards in Arabic and English reading, "Thanks, Qatar, you fulfilled the promise."

Palestinian officials said the emir and his entourage will be met by an honor guard as they cross from Egypt into Gaza through the Rafah passenger terminal there. Gaza's prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, is to greet the emir at Rafah and also host him at his office in Gaza City, the officials said.

The Qatari ruler is also expected to tour the sites of the projects funded by Qatar, including a hospital for the handicapped, a new town and the overhaul of three main roads.

Despite the plans for a high-profile visit, Qatar has tried to temper its growing role in Gaza. Last week, Qatar's ambassador to Gaza, Mohammed al-Emadi, emphasized that the massive investments "are for the people of Gaza, not Hamas." He said Qatar would be involved in the projects until completion and only then hand them to the Gaza government.

Still, the projects could produce another potential benefit by helping Hamas establish a trade route with Egypt.

After the Hamas takeover, Israel and Egypt's former ruler, Hosni Mubarak, enforced a border blockade of Gaza. Israel has since eased some restrictions, but still bars virtually all exports and restricts the imports of key raw materials.

Mubarak's successor, Mohammed Morsi ? who hails from the Muslim Brotherhood ? has been reluctant to open the Gaza-Egypt border to trade, in part because this could inadvertently foster the separation between the West Bank and Gaza, which lie on opposite sides of Israel. Such a move could also further weaken Abbas politically.

Qatari diplomats have asked Egypt to allow raw materials for Qatar's Gaza projects to be sent through the Rafah crossing, Gaza officials said. Haniyeh's office said the Egyptian president approved the arrangement, which could set a precedent for future trade.

Egyptian officials were not immediately available for comment Sunday. However, Morsi has tried to avoid alienating Abbas, who would presumably oppose the idea of a Gaza-Egypt trade without oversight by his Palestinian Authority.

An Abbas aide, Nimr Hamad, appeared to criticize the emir's Gaza plans. During a trip to Egypt, Hamad said he hoped Arab nations would refrain from visits "that give Gaza a semi-independent status," adding that "this is very dangerous for the Palestinian issue."

Another West Bank official, former planning minister Samir Abdullah, said Qatar should use its leverage over Hamas to pressure it to agree to reconciliation.

"Changing the miserable situation in Gaza is something good," Abdullah said. "Nobody would look at it otherwise. But it shouldn't be used to encourage the separation between the West Bank and Gaza, or make reconciliation more difficult."


Associated Press writer Sarah El Deeb in Cairo contributed reporting


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