Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Video: Should Akin drop out of Senate race?

>> chris van hollen of maryland, the top democrat on the house budget committee that paul ryan chairs and he also plays the role of paul ryan in the latest talk on politico for the debate preps with vice president joe biden . thank you for your time. let me first get your reaction to congressman akin's on the mike huckabee show. he said he made an error in the choice of words. is that enough to explain away what he said yesterday?

>> no, it is not, tamron. what he said yesterday was so we ynd the pale that i have to agree with those including republicans who have said that he should give up his race for senate. he clearly expressed himself in a way that was absolutely unacceptable in all ways and so i actually think the romney campaign should join senator brown and other republicans in saying that he should abandon that senate race, that todd akin should abandon the senate race.

>> gov measure romney and congressman ryan today in new hampshire talked about a lack of leadership. is it a lack of leadership if governor romney does not come out today and clearly i guess make a hard approach not just against the words but say that someone like akin does not have a place in congress, does not have a place in the senate if he were to go on and win this race?

>> yes, i think he should. i think this is one of those occasions where you just have to draw a bright line and say this is absolutely unacceptable and under no circumstances should someone who expressed those views be in the united states senate or carry the banner for the republican party in the united states senate race? i hope that he will do that.

>> speaking of drawing a bright line , it was all of last week the lines were being drawn between the romney - ryan medicare plan and the plan from the obama administration. we know that no one has worked closer with paul ryan , his counterpart in the house on the budget committee here. paul ryan over the weekend with his mother in florida and what's been described as friendly territory, a retirement community voted mostly for the large part republican and still makes the assertion that seniors and moving ahead people will pay more and the obama administration has stolen if you will money that could have been used to help seniors in the future here.

>> this is outrageous and flat wrong, and paul ryan knows it. in his own budget, in the ryan budget, they adopt every penny of the savings from medicare in obama care. we achieved those savings by eliminating a lot of the over payments that were going to the private insurance market. the ryan budget adopted every one of those pennies, but unlike what the president did and what we did in the democratic budget, they don't recycle any of those monies back into strengthening medicare . we strengthen the prescription drug benefit. we strengthen preventive health care and medicare and under the ryan plan not only did they take the savings but they did not put any back into strengthening benefit which is means and this is important to understand, under the romney - ryan plan seniors with high prescription drug costs will immediately start paying a lot more. seniors who seek preventive health care under medicare will see a lot more, and if we now take the romney position where we're not going to take the savings, that means we're going to be giving these excessive payments back to the private insurance companies in medicare advantage and you know who pays for that, tamron? seniors, through premiums and co-payments and not ten years from now but right away. so what romney is proposing is to say we're going to restart, resume those over payments to private insurance companies and they will send seniors the tab and it amounts to an estimated $300 per year on average over the next ten years, and not -- starting right away and can ramping up and i should also point out when you fully phase in the other plan, it simply shifts costs onto seniors and the estimate we got from the cbo, the nonpartisan group, on one version of that plan was $6,000 more for seniors. at the same time they're providing huge tax cuts for people like mitt romney .

>> congressman, i really appreciate your time. it is an abbreviated conversation on medicare . we want you back on. i have new details on this akin scandal. thank you, congressman. senator mitch mcconnell weighing in saying although representative akin has apologized, i believe he should take time with his family to consider whether this statement will prevent him from effectively representing our party in this critical election, so now senator mcconnell weighing in on this and echoing what we heard from john corning as well, many indicating this is a nudge for akin to drop out of that race which would be an incredible development for

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/48728017/

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