Friday, August 31, 2012

Tornado Warning

Here's the latest severe weather update from Doppler 12 StormVision:








LAT...LON 3168 8871 3169 8840 3132 8831 3130 8846
TIME...MOT...LOC 0931Z 164DEG 45KT 3144 8843



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An apocryphal obituary of a fictional character | The Volunteer

In his massive novel La noche de los tiempos, Antonio Mu?oz Molina crafts an unforgettable fictional character: ?Judith Biely. ?The daughter of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, Judith grew up in New York, did doctoral work in Spanish Literature at Columbia, and traveled to Spain in the early 1930s to conduct doctoral research. ?In Madrid she became passionately involved with the protagonist of the novel, a married architect named Ignacio Abel. ?The culminating scene of the novel takes place a few years later, when Biely and Abel re-encounter each other in the States; Abel has come here without his family fleeing from the chaotic violence unleashed in Madrid by the war, and almost certainly with the hopes of looking up Judith. Biely, alas, is about to depart as an American volunteer determined to help the Republic.

When I first read the novel, I was struck by the beautifully constructed character of Judith Biely. ?And when I completed the novel ?which pretty much ends with her heading towards the docks to board the ship that will take her to Spain? ? I couldn?t stop trying to imagine the rest of her story.

Last Spring, I was invited to present something at a retirement tribute for my great friend and mentor, Sylvia Molloy, who is both a first-rate literary critic and a wonderful writer of fiction. ?Among her many accomplishments at NYU was the establishment of an MFA program in Creative Writing in Spanish, one of the first of its kind in the US. ?I decided that to pay homage to Sylvia, I would go out on a limb and try writing a piece of fiction, one that would flesh out the biography of Mu?oz Molina?s character. ?Here?s what came out.

Caveat: ?The whole thing is fiction, sort of.


Recently, while working with a box of unprocessed documents in the Fredericka Martin papers of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives here at Bobst Library, I came across an unlabelled folder with a curious document. ?It is typescript, with clippings of other typescripts stapled on to it. Neither the folder nor the document appears in the Tamiment inventory.


September 12, 2004

It was a few weeks ago that Judith Biely?s nephew contacted me out of the blue of cyberspace.

[stapled to the typescript, a strip of paper from a printed e-mail:]

?I don?t know if you are the Arlene Paterson who took Spanish classes with my Aunt Judith Biely at Smith in the forties.? If you are, please respond.? If not, please forgive the intrusion.?

Within minutes of responding in the affirmative, I received a second message:

[another strip, stapled to typescript]

?Aunt Judith has been struggling with severe emphysema for the last ten years, and for the last three years, since she?s been living with me, she?s had a worsening case of dementia.? Her breathing recently took a turn for the worse, and when the doctors assured me that she wouldn?t survive more than a few days, I had her transferred to hospice care in the Bronx.? She?s actually rallied since she got here, and has been resting comfortably, in and out of consciousness.? Yesterday she began blurting out random names. ??By looking at some old yearbooks she has in my apartment I figured out that some of the names were of former students, you among them.?

Before agreeing to meet in the cafeteria of Calvary the next day, we exchanged a few more messages.? He told me how those ?few days? predicted by the doctors had turned into several weeks of hospice care, and how Judith was one tough bird.? I was taken aback by one exchange in particular; when I offhandedly quipped that Judith must have learned how to survive in Spain, the great nephew corrected me:? ?You must mean Mexico.? She?s never been to Spain.?


That night I couldn?t get to sleep as I reminisced about my years as a Spanish major at Smith, and the courses I had taken with Professor Biely both in Northampton and in Cuernavaca, Mexico.? It was during the semester in Cuernavaca that I learned from Lini?s daughter the story I wasn?t supposed to know and promised never to tell.

That the love of Judith?s life had been a married Spaniard she had met while conducting thesis research in Madrid.? That, some years after the affair, when the Spanish Civil War broke out, and she had begun her career at Smith, he had fled ?without his family? from Spain to the US, and she had taken a leave of absence to go to Spain to work as a translator and factotum alongside the nurses and doctors in the US Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy.? That the loquacious and impulsive woman who had left the States for Spain had come back circumspect and subdued; that upon returning to her position at Smith, she lived for a year with students in the Washburn House, which served as the Spanish-speaking house on campus when the war in Spain forced the cancellation of Smith?s program in Madrid; that a few years later, with the help of Lini and Fredericka and other American expats with whom she had worked in Spain, she set up the new Smith program in Cuernavaca, for which we had been the guinea pigs.

I blushed in embarrassment again, sixty years after the fact, remembering that day when, back in Northampton after my semester in Cuernavaca, and while waiting for Professor Biely to show up to class ??Poes?a hispanoamericana moderna?, she had walked in on me while I was gossiping with my classmates, with my back to the door, about what I had learned in Cuernavaca:? ?No estamos supuestas a saber? I had just said, when I realized, from the looks on the faces of my classmates that she had just walked into the room:? ??qu? es lo que se supone que no sab?is, Se?orita Paterson?? Without waiting for a response, she placed a stack of books on the seminar table and recited the first part of a line from the poem we were supposed to memorize for that day:? ??Ay del que pide eurekas al placer o al dolor!? to which the other girls, ever eager to please, and in a credo-like chorus responded ?Dos dioses hay, y son Ignorancia y Olvido.?


When I arrived the next day at noon to the Calvary Palliative Care Center, Aaron, Judith?s nephew, was already in the cafeteria, eating an egg-salad sandwich and scribbling notes on a legal pad. His blackberry sat and buzzed on the formica table next to the plastic salt and pepper shakers.? I introduced myself and immediately lied to him for the first time that day, saying I had already eaten ?I never could manage to eat anything in a hospital, palliative or otherwise.?? An affable and remarkably earnest man, about 55 years old, he thanked me for coming, pointed to the legal pad and said that he was struggling to write an obituary of his aunt.? He told me that he was her only living relative; the only and unmarried son of Judith?s younger sister, who had passed some years before.? Senior Partner at a big corporate firm specializing in intellectual property cases.? He explained that when several years ago, Aunt Judith?s friends in Mexico contacted him saying that they could no longer take care of her, he had brought her to live with him in New York and hired a live-in caretaker, a young woman from Trinidad.? Lucinda soon realized ?Aaron told me? that even though Judith?s mind seemed to be completely shot, she was a whiz at crossword puzzles, and would blurt out correct answers almost before Lucinda would finish reading the clues.? ?Pretty much all I?ve ever heard her say are these responses to crossword clues. Add to that the fact that my mother hardly ever talked about her sister, other than to say that she was strange, impulsive, and ?had taken her fancy Columbia PhD and run off to Mexico for no good reason???at this point he gestured toward the legal pad and took a stealthy look at his blackberry, before concluding??and you?ll understand why I don?t have much to go on for this obituary.? It?s a shame too because I have a friend at the Times? I had my secretary google her and it turns out she even wrote a book about some South American poet, but unfortunately it?s in Spanish??

It was at that point that I decided I didn?t have the mind or the heart or the stomach to help Aaron with his premature obituary; there was just too much he didn?t know and probably wouldn?t understand or believe or want to know; Not just Spain, ?but the bitter tenure case that dragged on through my junior and senior years, Judith?s real reasons for seeking exile in Mexico from Joe Macarthy?s America.? I just told him that I remembered her as a very good professor, serious and genuinely concerned about her students.? I recalled that to us students she seemed to have a prodigious memory, especially for poetry.? And that when I went on the study-abroad program she led in Cuernavaca, I was surprised at how many people she knew there. ?Finally, I apologized for not having any other helpful information, and praised him for taking such good care of his aunt.? He asked me if I would like to visit Judith in her room; looking at my watch, I declined, inventing an appointment on the other end of the Bronx. As we said goodbye, he mentioned that he was leaving that afternoon to meet with clients in Palo Alto, but would be back in a few days, and would keep me posted.


Those were the last words of this impossible obituary of Judith Biely in that folder at ALBA.? I have my reasons to suspect that the whole text is apocryphal: that name ??Judith Biely?? doesn?t appear on any of the lists of medical personnel in Spain, or in any library catalog as the author of a book on a South American poet.? This is not the first time I?ve alerted the archivists to the existence of suspicious documents in the collection, a tendency I attribute to the establishment of that creative writing program in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.? I think the archivists just humor me, as each time they say that they will place a note in the folder and look into it.


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Why world markets focus on tiny Jackson Hole, Wyo.

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. (AP) ? Every August, the world's financial markets shift their attention from the centers of global commerce ? New York, London, Tokyo ? to a mountain valley in northwest Wyoming. On Friday, they will hear a speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

So how did Jackson Hole, Wyo., come to wield such outsize importance in global economic affairs?

In a word, trout.

For four years starting in 1978, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City hosted an annual conference at different sites and different times of year. The event drew little attention outside the insular world of economic analysts.

Inspired by a conference the Boston Fed held near a picturesque New Hampshire site where the tearjerker "On Golden Pond" was filmed, the Kansas City Fed held its 1981 conference in scenic Vail, Colo.

Still no luck. The Vail meeting drew the conference's smallest crowd ever.

Officials at the bank pondered how to draw bigger names and more attention to the yearly confab. That's when they set their sights on Paul Volcker, then chairman of the Federal Reserve in Washington.

They decided to pursue Volcker by dangling the prospect of one of his favorite pastimes: fly-fishing. They needed to find a sure-fire trout-catching spot somewhere in the Kansas City Fed district, which covers Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming, as well as northern New Mexico and western Missouri.

They considered somewhere in Colorado. But a fly-fishing expert said Colorado's waters were too warm for trout in August. Go farther north, he said. Go to Jackson Hole.

"I'd never heard of it," confessed Tom Davis, then the Kansas City Fed's research director and point man on the project, according to the bank's official history of the event.

The shift was made. And what's been known since 1982 as the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium took its place in economic lore.

Jackson Hole isn't even a town. It's a valley. The biggest town, Jackson (population 9,710), lies at the southern end of Jackson Hole. Arches made of elk antlers mark the entrance to the town square. The Fed conference itself occurs farther north, in a lodge in Grand Teton National Park, about 50 miles south of Yellowstone National Park.

The event now draws 140 people every year, including some of the biggest names in economic and finance. They come to enjoy breathtaking views of the Grand Teton mountain range and Jackson Lake, to hike and fish and to engage in intellectual combat in the halls of the Jackson Lake Lodge.

"Jackson Hole provides a nice opportunity for central bankers to let down their hair a bit ? only figuratively speaking, of course ? and mingle with other members of their tribe and a few academics in an informal setting," says Eswar Prasad, a Cornell University professor who will speak on a Jackson Hole panel this year.

One annual tradition is the Friday night barbecue. There, some of the world's most high-powered economists don cowboy hats, string ties and other Western gear and sometimes join in a line dance.

At each year's Jackson Hole conference, the Fed chairman is a focal point. The head of the European Central Bank normally is, too. (This year is an exception. The current ECB chief, Mario Draghi, who is fighting Europe's debt crisis, canceled plans to attend.)

In the final days of the Soviet Union in 1990, central bankers and economists from the former Eastern bloc came to Jackson Hole to learn how to manage post-Communist economies.

Not everything went well. The Soviet delegation had mistakenly checked the weather for steamy Jackson, Miss. The Soviet officials "almost froze" in Jackson Hole's brisk mountain air, recalled Roger Guffey, then Kansas City Fed president, according to the bank's history.

The proceedings can become contentious. At the first Jackson Hole conference, in fact, Volcker himself came under fire for his drive to shrink inflation by pushing up interest rates into double digits and allowing the U.S. economy to sink deep into recession.

A University of Chicago economist named Raghuram Rajan ruined the mood in 2005 at what was shaping up as a fawning farewell to the outgoing Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan. Rajan warned that the financial system had absorbed dangerous risks under Greenspan's watch.

Participants turned against Rajan. Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers assailed him, calling his premise "misguided." Three years later, the world learned to its horror, as a meltdown of subprime mortgages started causing big banks to topple, that Rajan had been correct after all.

Investors started focusing especially intensely on Jackson Hole after Bernanke used his remarks there in 2010 to lay out the Fed's policy options. Among the options he mentioned was a second round of bond purchases, to pump cash into the financial system and juice the U.S. economy.

The speech ? and growing evidence that the economy needed help ? ignited a 28-percent stock market rally over the next eight months. (The Fed actually began the purchases ? a policy known as quantitative easing, or QE2 ? in November 2010.)

On Friday morning, attention will again be riveted on Bernanke's annual speech. Never mind that most analysts don't expect him to offer significant new guidance about what the Fed might do next. Many think Bernanke wants more time to survey the economic landscape.

For one thing, the speech comes just a week before Bernanke will get to review the government's report on August unemployment and two weeks before he'll meet with the rest of the Fed's policy committee.

His speech might not please some investors who continue to hold out hope that Bernanke will signal that further help from the Fed is on the way.

Jackson Hole is used to hype, though. Even before it became where the Fed spent its late summers, it inspired tall tales. In 1895, a front-page report in The New York Times wrongly reported that the community's entire population had been wiped out in an American Indian attack.

Later came reports of a 10-foot eagle ?dubbed "Big Teton" ? that carried off two antelopes in its talons.

Alas, the bird has not been spotted since.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

3 Important Perks Associated with Affiliate Marketing | Pink Fern

Affiliate marketers make up a not little section of the online business community. One thing they all have in common is they want to Earn Extra Income.It isn?t really all that unusual if you comprehend all of the many perks that exist within affiliate marketing. It isn?t that hard to figure out why numerous people pursue this business design when you understand how numerous benefits there are. Even the most effective products developers will certainly promote affiliate products to their listings from time to time.

These people can easily not resist the benefits, plus there are millions of affiliate products. This might not be something that you have actually considered. Lots of people use affiliate marketing to earn extra money then use that money to help themselves with product creation. In this article we are going to teach you about a few of the affiliate marketing benefits you should understand about.

Product creation is where some of the biggest perks of ROI Unlimited affiliate marketing are found. Of course, you don?t need to make products of your own, you should produce something that goes along with something you are currently promoting. Nonetheless, that is not necessary and you can easily make a great deal of cash without ever before doing that. This might be why newbies locate themselves so drawn to affiliate marketing. One feasible trade-off is you will certainly need to know how to locate the best products to promote. You do still have to do this, a minimum of a little bit, when you make your very own products.

Exceptions are very typical in internet marketing. There are some Internet Marketing developers who have made millions from the work they have actually done however this isn?t really normal.

Of course, it is a lot easier to make that kind of money marketing affiliate products than it is with the creation of products of your very own. Sure many of this is based upon personal desires but the truth is that there are simply some who have no interest in developing products themselves. Photo putting in years worth of work in affiliate marketing and accumulating a lot of sites that make income with the offer of a range of products. This is just how you can construct an income of six figures.

Certainly there is some appeal to only having to bother with marketing and Ultimate Power Profits Review marketing. Affiliate online marketers have a massive load removed their shoulders when they use this design. This doesn?t imply you will not need to work; it is the only means to increase your possibilities of success. However you have to accept that there is a lot of work you do not have to do when you are promoting affiliate products. This is an essential benefit and you should think seriously about it. We are all pressed for time and people who attempt to hold down full-time jobs while still doing Web marketing have more desire to limit their duties.

You have simply checked out about 3 unique benefits to affiliate marketing. There is a lot more than simply this. There are uncounted even more benefits that go with marketing affiliate products. As soon as you have discovered more, you?ll be ready to locate even more success since the even more details you have the even more innovative you can be.

This entry was posted in general and tagged affiliate marketers, affiliate marketing, affiliate products, business community, business model, creators, design style, developers, extra income, extra money, model design, money cash, online marketers, product creation. Bookmark the permalink.


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Money And Divorce: What Recent Divorce Research Has To Say About Poverty's Effect On Marriage

Money And Divorce: What Recent Divorce Research Has To Say About Poverty's Effect On Marriage ' }); }); }(jQuery)); Posted: Updated: 08/29/2012 1:19 am

Divorce isn't easy for anyone. But for the poorest couples in our nation, money-related issues all too often contribute to divorce -- or prove to be a barrier to obtaining one once they decide to call it quits.

Click through the slideshow below to read about recent research on the intersection of divorce and poverty, then weigh in: which study surprised you most?

  • Divorce Is Too Expensive For The Poorest Americans

    More couples are opting for long-term marital separations because they <a href="" target="_hplink">cannot afford to divorce</a>, according to a study conducted by <a href="" target="_hplink">Ohio State University</a> that was published in August 2012. Researchers surveyed 7,272 people between 1979 and 2008. Most people in the study who separated from a spouse reported getting a divorce within three years of separating. But <a href="" target="_hplink">15 percent of people who separated did not get a divorce within the first 10 years</a> because it was too costly, especially when children were involved.

  • Unemployed Men Are More Likely To Split

    In July 2011, researchers at Ohio State University found that <a href="" target="_hplink">unemployed men face a greater likelihood that their wives will initiate divorce</a>. They also found that men are more likely to leave their marriages when out of work. A woman's employment status had no effect on whether or not her husband stays or leaves. "There's something still about men's non-employment that flies in the face of what couples think a marriage should be," the study's <a href="" target="_hplink">lead researcher Liana Sayer told the Huffington Post.</a>

  • Children Of Divorce Are More Likely To Live In Poverty

    Children of divorce are more likely to live in poverty and to live with their mothers, <a href="" target="_hplink">according to a Census report</a> on marriage released in August 2011. According to the report, three-quarters of children in divorced families lived with their mother in 2009.<a href="" target="_hplink"> Twenty-eight percent of children within that group lived below the poverty rate,</a> compared to a 19% poverty rate among other children.

  • Couples Who Receive Government Assistance Are More Prone To Divorce

    According to <a href="" target="_hplink">a study released by the University of Missouri</a> in September 2011, married couples that receive government assistance, such as Medicaid or food stamps, are more prone to divorce. Of the 295 couples surveyed, those earning $20,000 or less and receiving government assistance reported significantly lower rates of marital satisfaction than couples with the same income that received no state support. In <a href="" target="_hplink">an interview with the Huffington Post</a>, researcher Dr. David Schramm sized up the implications of the study. "We have to take a closer look at what the effect of government assistance is, and how it may affect people's attitudes and make them feel inferior," he said. "There may be a stigma associated with receiving welfare assistance, so I think we need to do a better job of looking at what government assistance does to individuals' sense of self and well-being."

  • Lower Income Couples Hold Similar Marriage Values As Higher-Earning Couples

    In a <a href="" target="_hplink">June 2012 study</a>, researchers at UCLA found that people with lower incomes value marriage just as much as those with higher incomes, though they're more likely to grapple with economic and social issues such as money problems, drinking and drug use. "We found that people with low incomes value marriage as an institution, have similar standards for choosing a marriage partner and experience similar problems with managing their relationships," <a href="" target="_hplink">researcher Thomas Trail said of the study</a>. "We suggest that initiatives to strengthen marriage among the poor should also take social issues into account, as they can place a tremendous amount of stress on a marriage."

  • Retired Women Are More Likely To Live In Poverty Than Retired Men, Partly Because Of Divorce

    According to a July 2012 Government Accountability Office study, women aged 65 and older <a href="" target="_hplink">live in poverty at higher rates than men</a>, despite their involvement in employer-sponsored retirement plans. The study showed that divorce and widowhood had "detrimental effects" for retired women or those reaching the point of retirement, and took more of a toll on women's finances than men's.

  • The States With The Highest Divorce Rates Are Also The Poorest

    An <a href="" target="_hplink">August 2011 Census report</a> on marriage showed that men and women in the South had higher rates of divorce in 2009 than in other regions of the country -- 10.2 divorces per 1,000 men and 11.1 per 1,000 women. Comparatively, the national divorce rate was 9.2 for men and 9.7 for women. The high divorce rates can be partly attributed to <a href="" target="_hplink">higher marriage rates in the South</a>, Diana Elliott, a family demographer at the Census Bureau said. <a href="" target="_hplink">But according to 24/7 Wall St</a>, its the tough economic climate that drives the divorce rate up. The site reported that states with particularly high divorce rates had below median household income and a high percentage of the population living below the poverty line.

HuffPost Live will be taking a comprehensive look at the persistence of poverty in America Aug. 29 and Sept. 5 from 12-4 p.m. EDT and 6-10 p.m. EDT. Click here to check it out -- and join the conversation.

Related on HuffPost:

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Divorce isn't easy for anyone. But for the poorest couples in our nation, money-related issues all too often contribute to divorce -- or prove to be a barrier to obtaining one once they decide to call...

Divorce isn't easy for anyone. But for the poorest couples in our nation, money-related issues all too often contribute to divorce -- or prove to be a barrier to obtaining one once they decide to call...



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Shaping Yourself Through Cosmetic Surgery | Sexy Planet

Shaping Yourself Through Cosmetic Surgery
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A teenage girl feels shy confronting the guests that are visiting her house. The first impression is that she must be busy doing something or preparing for an exam that is coming up. However, when the girl was asked for her virtual absence the reason was quite surprising and perhaps out of the blue. She was not attending the guests as she as concerned about the pimples that are all over her face. One might possibly think if the pimples were really that serious which made the girl avoid facing others. The only types of pimples that can have such an affect are acne marks.

There is nothing seriously wrong with a boy taking off shirt in a public unless it is a highly official environment. Perhaps this is one humorous edge the boys have over girls but same may not be case if there is something remarkably wrong with the physique. At this point, one might go on to think that what could possibly wrong with a boy that he feels shy taking off shirt? Quite surprisingly, it is the shape of his chest which gives him the look of a woman. To be more specific, his chest seems exactly like a woman's chest.

Entering into the teenage, there are certain notable changes in the physical features. Most of these changes are often desirable while some can be extremely uncomfortable and displeasing. Since face is most notable of all the features so if that unpleasant change has something to do with face this may damage the self confidence big time. Having acne marks are very common for the teenagers as well as for those on early twenties. Although not extremely lethal but if there is no proper treatment to acne this may result in formation of acne scars.

Besides all the other dislikable physical features found in men there can be nothing worse than having breasts like women. About 40 to 60 percent of the males around the world are found with this problem and it is medical name for this is Gynecomastia. According to the latest research, Gynecomastia male breast reduction is the only method in order to get rid of woman like boobs.

Men and young boys having breasts like women would always like to know how the procedure works. Basically, Male breast reduction Gynecomastia involves liposuction and cutting of the excess glandular tissue present in breast. The surgery takes around 2 hours and the recovery time is no more than one week. However, any stressful activities are advised to be avoided until full recovery which takes about a few months.

Not too long ago, people born with abnormal or dislikeable features would spend their entire life accepting them. Big thanks to cosmetic surgery as a result of which anything wrong with your overall look can be corrected. Whether it is acne and scar, hair loss and extra large breasts in men, everything can now be brought into desirable shape through cosmetic surgery which is gaining popularity day by day.

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Tags: Cosmetic, Shaping, Surgery, Through, Yourself

Category: Women's Health


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Difference Between Trauma and Education is Support

For most people there are likely a handful of nuggets of advice or wisdom they have picked up along the way that have stuck with them for one reason or another.

For me, one of those, was the observation someone I respect greatly once made that ?the Difference Between Trauma and Education is Support?.? It was said in reference to the Manager-Employee relationship in the workplace but it also has clear implications for the parent-child dynamic.

In thinking about its implications, I think what is meant by the statement is that when sending someone (either as a manager or a parent) into new territory, the outcome for the individual (trauma or education) is dependent on whether or not support is offered.? Having this knowledge, therefore, has deep and far reaching implications in the chaos we do or do not leave behind as parents and managers.

As parents, we all want to avoid traumatizing our kids.? As a manager, we (hopefully) want the same for the people that work for us (and ultimately, it is in our best interest in terms of employee productivity to do so). ?So what is the meant by the difference between ?trauma? and ?education??? And what does ?support? look like?

Degree of Success in Transmitting Support is the Outcome Determinant

I think the different outcomes come into sharp focus with an example.? Say your child is starting a new school.? The observation would dictate that the outcome for the child?education or trauma?will turn entirely on our degree of success at expressing support to the child in getting thru the new experience.? Importantly, for us as parents and/or managers, experiential outcomes?trauma or education?occur regardless of our level of involvement/awareness in the child?s/employees experience.

Awareness Leads to Support

All parents and managers want to avoid traumatic experiences for our children and/or employees.? Knowing that the determinant in the outcome of new experiences is the presence of support means we can take steps to ensure the outcome of new experiences are positive rather than traumatic.


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Shooting Challenge: Something Totally New [Shooting Challenge]

We're very familiar with that surrounding our day to day lives—so much so, that we can be caught in creative ruts. For this week's Shooting Challenge, I want you to leave that life and photograph something totally new. More »


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Rewards of Holding Customer Service Skills |

There are many positive aspects a person get as soon as you determine to utilize excellent customer service a strategy for your own business. The saying that has been said continuously through marketing experts, ?The customer will be the life-blood of any kind of business? is indeed correct for they should be the function why your business is out there. Once you present excellent customer service, anyone task a company graphic of a business which prioritizes the welfare of buyers. In fact, corporations requires to possess on-going customer care training for everybody in your business to make sure that each one is competent along with skilled in phrases of delivering exceptional customer service.

Below are a few of the advantages you can experience if you make exceptional customer service a marketing strategy:

1. Duplicate clients and customer maintenance

In case your business has personnel possessing superb ability, they will always be the key for your own business to win clientele to buy once again from you together with eventually become your loyal clients. Clients usually prefer to use products and also services whenever they really feel these are critical along with treated with respect.

A situation wherever a good deal of new customers are arriving in but practically the same quantity is additionally leaving is an undesirable indicator. That can are expensive to continually follow intense marketing as well as marketing. You might have to learn customer service to win and retain consumers.

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Any time the business is in a position to put into action a business wide exceptional customer service strategy, a great deal of folks will occur to a person since a consequence of word of mouth area advertising and marketing. It has been proven and before marketing has advanced a great deal. Keep in mind that it?s not only frontline individuals who should encompass this particular talent yet all the others in the company as is also part of service shipping possessing major and minor roles from purchasing of raw materials to product development and eventually to service supply. More customers indicate more sales and eventually improved business revenue.

3. Customer relationship is built

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Romanian businessman acquitted of corruption

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) ? A Romanian court has acquitted a businessman and 11 other people of defrauding the state of $85 million (?68 million) by money laundering and illegally manipulating markets to financially benefit a major oil company.

The trial against Dinu Patriciu ? general manager of Rompetrol SA and a onetime rival of President Traian Basescu ? began in 2006.

Magistrates on Tuesday dismissed all the charges but did not present their arguments for the ruling.

Prosecutors had charged that from September 1999 to November 2001, Patriciu siphoned off money using a network of insiders and a former government minister, and transferred it to his company funds. They demanded a 20-year sentence for Patriciu.

The ruling can be appealed, but there was no immediate comment from prosecutors or the defendants.


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Lendthing Keeps Track of Who's Borrowed What and Helps You Get It Back [Borrowing]

Lendthing Keeps Track of Who's Borrowed What and Helps You Get It BackiOS: We all have a few friends with whom we borrow and lend lots of stuff, but it can get hard to keep track of it all. Lendthing is a simple app that keeps track of who has what, and even lets you send SMS reminders to help get everything back.

Lendthing is easy: just hit the big plus button to add a new item, note who you lent it to (or who borrowed it from you), and it'll keep a running list of who has what. You can tap on an item to mark it returned, or send that person a pre-written SMS reminder to give or get the item in question back. If they're in your contacts, it'll automatically grab their number for you.

It's handy for those of us that lend and borrow like crazy, but we'd love to see other features come to the app?for example, being able to set a location-based reminder would be awesome, so you can remember to get your stuff back the next time you visit. Overall, though, it's a simple way to keep track of where all your stuff is.

Lendthing is a $1.99 download for iOS only.




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Patent Case Aftermath: Samsung Down By $12B (And Still Slumping) While Apple, Nokia, RIM All Gain

Image (1) Samsung-galaxy-s.jpg for post 335827We still have to wait and see how the jury's ruling against Samsung over Apple patents?will play out for the company in terms of actual fines, injunctions -- and crucially -- future device design for the handset giant. But for now the markets have spoken. Share prices for Samsung Electronics fell by 7.5% yesterday, equating to a $12 billion loss in market value. However, it looks like this was a single big hit rather than the start of a series of sustained blows for the Android handset maker: today, shares are still trading down, but not by nearly as much: 3.65%, giving it a market cap of $159.38 billion. Samsung's loss was really Apple's gain, although others like Nokia and RIM got a bump, too.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Garrison Green Calgary Real Estate


Style, quality & class are reflected through this beautiful home just steps from Peacekeepers Park in Garrison Green! Built to Quantum Performance specs by Jayman MasterBuilt, this 2-storey home offers a bsmnt fully dev'pd by the builder, a private fenced back yard & double det'chd garage. Gorgeous Brazilian Tigerwood runs through the open main level, from foyer to sun-drenched dining room & kitchen. Ceramic tiled foyers & baths. Spectacular kitchen offers antiqued/stained maple cabinetry, granite counters, upgraded stainless appliances w/ gas range, pantry & island w/ antique glue chip glass doors. Step down to the generous living room w/ gas f/p, built-in cabinetry & shelves. Cable/elec outlets above f/p. Quality millwork. The master suite features a large walk-in w/ custom closeting & a well-appointed ensuite bath. The 2nd bdrm, main bath, laundry & open loft are upstairs. Bsmt offers a huge rec rm w/ bar, full bath & large 3rd bdrm. Private rear yard w/ patio, trees & shrubs. Roomy double garage!

Listing Details

Square Ft:
1,795 ft,
Lot Size:
MLS? #:
Prop. Type:
Year Built:
Garrison Green
Front Exposure:
Basement Type:
Basement Development:
Fully Finished

Features of property

Bar,Closet Organizers,No Smoking Home,Patio,Vinyl Windows



Site Influences

Fenced,Flat Site,Back Lane,Landscaped,Playground Nearby,Public Transportation


Double Garage Detached


Disclaimer: Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed by the CREB.

View more listings in Garrison Green.


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Magnetic hybrid motorbike unveiled in Japan - Japanese Electric Cars

The Japanese automaker has unveiled the prototype of a new electric motorbike carrying a hybrid magnetic motor, which can run almost noiselessly up to 180 kilometers (112 miles) on a single charge. Tokyo-based Axle Corporation says that the battery of the motorcycle next generation of electric vehicles can be charged at home, in the same way a cell phone. It takes a little over 6 hours to fully charge the battery, and the vehicle?s maximum speed is capable of reaching 150 km per hour (93 miles per hour). The company says the futuristic motorbike enjoys high energy efficiency thanks to a state-of-engine the-art magnetic which is a hybrid between a electromagnet and a permanent magnet. The new motor, called SUMO, short for ?super motor,? is housed inside the rear wheel of the motorcycle. The manufacture says the new motor is seven times more cost effective than gas scooters. Daisuke Ito, a professional racer who test rode the EV-X7 prototype, said it could replace machines we now see in motor races. ?I just think that in the near future, we?ll see what kind of electric motorcycles that run throughout the city. And when that happens, conventional vehicles could disappear from motor racing, too, and competing well in vehicles Power. ? Reuters RTV521706


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Romney accuses Obama of engaging in 'low' politics

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? His Republican National Convention curtailed by a threatened hurricane, Mitt Romney conceded Sunday that fresh controversy over rape and abortion is harming his party and he accused Democrats of trying to exploit it for political gain.

"It really is sad, isn't it, with all the issues that America faces, for the Obama campaign to continue to stoop to such a low level," said Romney, struggling to sharpen the presidential election focus instead on a weak economy and 8.3 percent national unemployment.

His comments came as aides and party officials hurriedly rewrote the script for the convention, cut from four days to three because of the threat posed by approaching Tropical Storm Isaac. The storm is forecast to gain hurricane strength as it churns through the Gulf of Mexico but to pass well west of the convention city.

The revised schedule included a symbolic 10-minute session on Monday in a nearly empty hall, during which officials intend to launch a debt clock set to zero. The political objective is to show how much the government borrows throughout the convention week.

Officials did not rule out further changes because of the weather, and sidestepped when asked what might happen if, as seemed possible, the storm made landfall in the New Orleans area on the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. That storm killed 1,800 people and devastated the city.

"We're 100 percent full steam ahead on Tuesday," said Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, expressing confidence the one-day delay would be the extent of the cancellations.

Despite concerns about the weather, a mammoth pre-convention celebration went on as planned Sunday night, attended by thousands of delegates and others who flocked to the Rays major league baseball stadium turned into a party venue in nearby St. Petersburg.

Priebus said Romney's nomination would take place on Tuesday, as would approval of a conservative party platform.

The former Massachusetts governor delivers his acceptance speech Thursday night before a prime time TV audience, then sets out on the final leg of a quest for the presidency that spans two campaigns and more than five years.

Polls make the race a close one, with a modest advantage for President Barack Obama.

For all the Republican attempts to make the election a referendum on the incumbent's handling of the economy, other events have intervened.

An incendiary comment more than a week ago by Rep. Todd Akin, the party's candidate for a Senate seat in Missouri, is among the intrusions. In an interview, he said a woman's body has a way of preventing pregnancy in the case of a "legitimate rape." The claim is unsupported by medical evidence, and the congressman quickly apologized.

Romney and other party officials, recognizing a political threat, unsuccessfully sought to persuade Akin to quit the race. Democrats have latched onto the controversy, noting not only what Akin said but also his opposition to abortion in all cases.

"Now, Akin's choice of words isn't the real issue here. The real issue is a Republican Party ? led by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan ? whose policies on women and their health are dangerously wrong," said a recent letter from Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party.

The party also posted a Web video that emphasizes the Republican Party's opposition to abortion and digitally alters the Republicans' "Romney-Ryan" logo to say "Romney Ryan Akin."

Interviewed on Fox, his comments broadcast on Sunday, Romney said the controversy over Akin "hurts our party and I think is damaging to women."

Romney spent the day in New Hampshire where he has a summer home. Aides said he was spending part of his afternoon practicing his convention speech with the use of a teleprompter.

Delegates marked time as the storm raked the Florida Keys to the south of the convention city en route to a projected landfall along the Gulf Coast.

"Somebody raised the prospect of marathon Monopoly. I favor the game Risk, but we'll see," said Tom Del Beccaro, chairman of the California delegation. I think people will just be ready for Tuesday and be pretty energetic then."

Hundreds of miles away, Romney said he was concerned for the safety of those who "are going to be affected" by the storm, which is predicted to worsen into a hurricane as it heads for landfall along the Gulf Coast.

In a presidential race defined by its closeness, Republican office-holders past and present said the party must find a way to appeal to women and Hispanics, and they said the economy was the way to do it.

"We have to point out that the unemployment rate among young women is now 16 percent, that the unemployment rate among Hispanics is very high, that jobs and the economy are more important, perhaps, than maybe other issues," said Arizona Sen. John McCain, who lost to Obama in 2008.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush agreed, saying that Romney "can make inroads if he focuses on how do we create a climate of job creation and economic growth." If he succeeds, "I think people will move back towards the Republican side," Bush added.

Obama leads Romney among women voters and by an overwhelming margin among Hispanics, but he trails substantially among men.

The result is a race that is unpredictably close, to be settled in a small number of battleground states.

An estimated $500 million has been spent on television commercials so far by the two candidates, their parties and supporting outside groups, nearly all of it in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. Those states account for 100 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the White House.

Republicans have made no secret that they are eager to expand the electoral map to include Pennsylvania, Michigan, perhaps running mate Paul Ryan's Wisconsin and even Minnesota, states with 68 electoral votes combined.

All four are usually reliably Democratic in presidential campaigns. Yet Romney has a financial advantage over the president, according to the most recent fundraising reports, and a move by the Republicans into any of them could force Obama to dip into his own campaign treasury in regions he has considered relatively safe.

Making his case for the support of female voters, Romney said in the Fox interview: "'Look, I'm the guy that was able to get health care for all of the women and men in my state. ... 'I'm very proud of what we did."

It was a rare voluntary reference to the legislation he signed as governor of Massachusetts that required the state's residents to purchase coverage, the sort of mandate that is at the heart of Obama's federal legislation that conservatives oppose and Romney has vowed to see repealed.

Romney added that the state law was put into place "without cutting Medicare, which obviously affects a lot of women."

That was a reference to the federal law, which cut more than $700 billion in projected Medicare costs to help provide health care to millions who could not otherwise afford it.

Medicare generally favors Democrats as a political issue, but Romney has aggressively sought to cut into that advantage. He released a new television ad criticizing Obama's handling of the program with a catchphrase of "It ain't right."

The streets around the convention hall were crowded with police, National Guard and other security officials, who manned checkpoints in squads rather than individually.

A few hundred protesters gathered in a park about a half-mile from the convention vowed to make their point regardless of Tropical Storm Isaac. They set out large blocks of ice spelling out the words "middle class," and left them to melt on a warm, humid day, a gesture meant to signify middle class disappearance in a tough economy.

Bush and McCain were interviewed on NBC, and Priebus spoke on CNN.


Associated Press writers Tamara Lush and Brendan Farrington in Florida, Steve Peoples in New Hampshire, Philip Elliott in Wisconsin and Alicia Caldwell in Washington contributed to this story.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Anti-Obama doc highlights weak Hollywood newcomers

This undated image provided by Rocky Mountain Pictures, shows an undated film clip from "2016: Obama's America". Hollywood may have run out of summer hits, but an anti-Obama documentary is helping fill the gap. "2016: Obama's America"was expanded from limited to nationwide release and took in $6.2 million to finish at No. 8,Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Rocky Mountain Pictures)

This undated image provided by Rocky Mountain Pictures, shows an undated film clip from "2016: Obama's America". Hollywood may have run out of summer hits, but an anti-Obama documentary is helping fill the gap. "2016: Obama's America"was expanded from limited to nationwide release and took in $6.2 million to finish at No. 8,Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Rocky Mountain Pictures)

(AP) ? Hollywood may have run out of summer hits, but an anti-Obama documentary is helping to fill the gap.

Holdover movies easily topped the weekend box office again, led by Sylvester Stallone's "The Expendables 2" at No. 1 for the second-straight weekend with $13.5 million.

The weekend's new wide releases were overshadowed by "2016: Obama's America," which expanded from limited to nationwide release and took in $6.2 million to finish at No. 8.

The documentary is a conservative critique of what the country would look like four years from now if President Barack Obama is re-elected.

Released by Rocky Mountain Pictures, "Obama's America" nearly matched the $6.3 million debut of the No. 7 movie, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's action tale "Premium Rush," a Sony release that played in more than twice as many theaters as the Obama documentary.

The weekend's other new wide releases opened weakly. Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell's road-chase comedy "Hit & Run," released by Open Road Films, debuted at No. 10 with $4.7 million, and the Warner Bros. fright flick "The Apparition" opened at No. 12 with $3 million.

The weak openings are typical of late August, a dumping ground for movies without much audience appeal as the summer blockbuster season winds down and young viewers switch to back-to-school mode.

But with less competition from Hollywood releases, it also opens the door for surprise successes such as "Obama's America."

"It's extremely rare for a documentary to break into the top-10, but August can be a land of opportunity for smaller films," said Paul Dergarabedian, box-office analyst for "Also, there's the fact that this is a very conservative film. Normally, it's Michael Moore-branded documentaries, the liberal documentaries that make all the money."

"Obama's America" opened in a handful of theaters in mid-July and did strong business as it gradually widened to more cities. It jumped into the top-10 this weekend as it expanded into 1,091 theaters, leading all other wide releases with an average of $5,717 a cinema.

That's a solid average, especially for a political documentary. But it pales next to the king of political documentaries, Moore's George W. Bush assault "Fahrenheit 9/11," which opened at No. 1 with $23.9 million in June 2004, averaging $27,558 in 868 theaters. "Fahrenheit 9/11" went on to become the top-grossing documentary ever with $119.1 million domestically.

"Obama's America" is based on the book "The Roots of Obama's Rage," written by Dinesh D'Souza, who co-directed the movie with John Sullivan.

The documentary now has climbed to a $9.1 million domestic total, with prospects for strong business as the Republican National Convention unfolds over the next few days.

D'Souza said Sunday that "Obama's America" will expand to more cities in the coming weeks and probably remain in theaters until early October, likely followed by a DVD release in the homestretch leading up to the Nov. 6 election.

Conservatives probably account for most of the documentary's audience so far, D'Souza said. But as with "Fahrenheit 9/11," which drew many conservatives out of curiosity, the attention "Obama's America" now is receiving could prompt left-leaning viewers to check it out, he said.

"What's happening is that people are really hungry for new information about Obama. There really is this sense that he remains an elusive figure," D'Souza said. "Then there's a second sense that the American dream is in the balance, the American dream is at stake, and that gives people a sense of anxiety about where the country is going."

Released by Lionsgate, "The Expendables 2" raised its domestic total to $52.3 million after two weekends.

In limited release, IFC Films' "Sleepwalk with Me" had a huge debut with $77,400 in a single New York City theater. Produced and co-written by Ira Glass of National Public Radio's "This American Life," ''Sleepwalk with Me" stars writer-director Mike Birbiglia in a semi-autobiographical story of a stand-up comic struggling with career and romance, along with bad bouts of sleepwalking.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. "The Expendables 2," $13.5 million ($18.5 million international).

2. "The Bourne Legacy," $9.3 million ($9.4 million international).

3. "ParaNorman," $8.5 million.

4. "The Campaign," $7.4 million.

5. "The Dark Knight Rises," $7.2 million ($15.3 million international).

6. "The Odd Life of Timothy Green," $7.1 million.

7. "Premium Rush," $6.3 million.

8. "2016: Obama's America," $6.2 million.

9. "Hope Springs," $6 million.

10. "Hit & Run," $4.7 million.


Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:

1. "The Expendables 2," $18.5 million.

2. "The Dark Knight Rises," $15.3 million.

3. "Brave," $14.6 million.

4. "Total Recall," $13.8 million.

5 (tie). "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted," $11.7 million.

5 (tie). "Prometheus," $11.7 million.

7. "Ted," $9.5 million.

8. "The Bourne Legacy," $9.4 million.

9. "Ice Age: Continental Drift," $7.6 million.

10. "Rurouni Kenshin," $6.9 million.




Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.

Associated Press


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August 25, 2012 Saturday at 1:37 pm


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Three killed in north Iraq attacks

Separate shootings in Iraq's main northern city of Mosul on Saturday left three people dead, including a local councillor, security and medical officials said.

In one attack, gunmen opened fire on a police checkpoint in Mosul, 350 kilometres (220 miles) from Baghdad, killing a policeman and a civilian, said police First Lieutenant Mohammed al-Juburi and Dr Mahmud Haddad at Mosul General Hospital.

In another incident, city councillor Ibrahim Yunis was gunned down outside his home in southeastern Mosul, according to Juburi and Khaled al-Rifaie, a doctor at the hospital's morgue.

Security and medical officials also reported four Iraqi soldiers, including a colonel, were wounded in a gun attack on their patrol near the town of Dhuluiyah, north of Baghdad, on Friday evening.

The unrest takes to 246 the number of people killed in attacks nationwide this month, according to an AFP tally based on reports from security and medical officials.

Violence in Iraq is markedly lower than its peak in 2006 and 2007, but attacks remain common, especially in Baghdad and Mosul.


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