Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cell Phones And Radiation - Cell Phone Use and Risk of Brain Cancer

www. emfnews. org www. emfnews. org www. emfnews. org In my last post I had the epidemiology of brain tumors examined by a summary of the latest data from the United States. The summary noted the slight decrease in the number of malignant brain tumors over the past twenty years. One concern that increased attention will be increased potential for cell phone risk to the risk of brain tumors. To be sure, when mobile phone use was a very large effect is expected to increase the prices of brain tumors and cancer in the last twenty years. This corresponds to the time when mobile phone use has increased in the U.S. and around the world. Several case-control studies are complete examination of this possible association and the majority of the studies have not demonstrated a significant effect. A recent study by Free in Denmark together with colleagues in France and Switzerland completes the apparent safety of mobile phones. The most important design elements of the free trial included: Study type: Cohort study of all persons born in Denmark from 1 April 1968 Study Group: Mobile phone subscribers status (subscribers compared to non-subscribers) was identified by phone records and centralized health records, health registry information, including presence or tumors of the central nervous system. Confounding variables are controlled for age, sex, education level, income-dependent variable: incidence rate ratio with 95% confidence interal www. emfnews. org. . .


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