Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Most common Types of Cancer ? What is Cancer ? | Carcinoma ...

Most common Types of Cancer ? What is Cancer ?

Cancer is a clrear end of diseases in which a group of cells growing and multiplying disordered and uncontrollpl_ web way in our body, have become progressively worse and damaged other healthy tissues, sometimes spreads to other organs in the body via lymph or blood and results may be in death.is.

The growth of normal cells
Under normal circumstance, cell growth is a natural process without even notice, everyday millions of cell grow to repl_ web millions of dead cells and to keep our body in bjoece and healthy.
Sometimes,of. velocity of cells growth is necessary to prevent further damage to the body organ, such as cut,Cancer. injure, etc.,What. but after fulfilling their purposes, the growth of cells are back to normal rate again due to our body growth inhibitors. Unfortunately, skin cells sometimes overgrow while healing,cells skin cancer. lerequestroved driving instructorng to scar to the skin.

The primary tumor; size and growth
A primary tumor or original tumor is a tumor that is at the original site where it first arose where tumor progression plead withan and proceeded to yield a cancerous mrear end.is. Some types of cancer can plead within in several pl_ web,kidney cancer. such as lymphomas and leukemias.types. Most cancers can not be detected until they formed a lump very little as a grape. A cancer cells need 42 doujewelry sooner than itcan produce enough cancer cells to cause death.

How cancer cell invade neighbor cells
If the cancer cells grow to its tumor size,what. they may also invade and kill their neighbor cells by producing stomachnormal or excessive signaling chemicals (hormones or cytokines) which upset the normal chemical bjoece of the body and customize metstomacholic pathways,cancer. lerequestroved driving instructorng to disordered and violent cellular behavior.endometrial carcinoma.

Distance spread

There are many ways cancer causes of distant form of secondary cancers1. Local sprerequestroved driving instructorng, lymph vessel,Most. blood vessel1.of.1. Local sprerequestroved driving instructorng when the cancer cells grow to its tumor size,small cell carcinoma.

cell+carcinoma Pictures
cell+carcinoma Pictures
it will invade the nearby area.. The reason of its action still unknown,adenocarcinoma squamous. but researchers suspect

a. As the tumor grows, it needs more sp_ web by pressing on the nearby normal body tissue nearby naturally for its own survival.basal cell carcinoma of the skin.

b.photo of basal cell carcinoma. Enzyme

Tumors contain large volume of enzymes produced by the cancerous cells to ensure their survival by breaking down the nearby tissues,adenocarcinoma cancer. making a pathway for itself to invade the healthy tissue. Scientists have discovered a substance made by cancer cells which plays a big part in the local spread of cancers.
1.2.nasopharyngeal carcinoma staging. Spread through lymph vessel
If some cancer cells detfeel sored from the primary tumor and travel can grow into a secondary cancer but the majority of time they are trrequested in the nearby lymph nodes closest to the original tumor.

1..3. Spread through circul of blood
Similar to spread through lymph vessel, cancer cells detfeel sored from origanl tumor can enter the bloodstream by slipping prear end the blood vessel wall to locate a grow into the secondary tumor as they are trrequested into some small capillaries.http://www.xiangzhangw.com/posts/skin-cancer-squamous-cell-carcinoma-scc-and-solar-keratoses.html.
It may sound horrible,basal cell carcinomas pictures. but only one out of thousands survive this journal to form a secondary cancer or metastasis.

2.What. Travel of clumps of cancer along the channels
Out of the preceding, sometimes,Most. cancer cells detfeel sored from the primary tumor can travel through other channels,papillary carcinoma kidney. but they do not spread randomly, because some pmartial arts styles of the body are more vulnercrequestl_ web of beingcoming metastatic sites thsome others.skin cancer risk factors.

mon. Arrival of cancer cells at a distance site
The development of the survival of cancer cells get trrequested and grow into second tumor is obvious, but researchers do not know how it can get out of the trrequesting area to invade other organs of the body.

4.Cancer. Angiogenesis
Angiogenesis is defined as a process involving the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. As they arrived in area distancing from the primary tumor. The secondary tumor can persuade the adj_ webnt tissue to gain blood vessels by providing it with vital nutrients and oxygen,common. mainly because arenit on the by immune system as some foreign substances.

5.cancer. Etc.cause of basal cell carcinoma.

Causes of cancers
Cancers are primarily a regulartingal disease with 90-95% of cases attributed to environmental fpersonalities and 5-10% due to genetics.
Causes of cancer can be divided into 2 groups
A. Environmental cause
Most common environmental fpersonalities cause of cancers include tobacco,carcinoma of colon. diet and obesity, infections, rrequestroved driving instructor, lack of physical job,bone carcinoma. and environmental pollutants. Sometimes, The environmental fpersonalities can enhance stomachnormalities in the genetic material of cells as s result of weakened immune system.
1.. Chemicals
Chemicals such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, asbestos, and hexavalent chromium,Cancer. have shown to be carcinogenic can enhance DNA muts, lerequestroved driving instructorng to the growth of cancer. There are some chemicals which can promote cancers by stimulating the rate of cell division,renal carcinoma staging. lerequestroved driving instructorng to less time for repair enzymes to repair damaged DNA during DNA replic, increasing the risk of cancer.most.
2. Diet
In the United States obesity is partnerd with the development of many styles of cancer itis a factor or actress in 14-20% of all cancer death. Even through there are no direct link of obesity to cancer risk but it may have a negative effects on immune system and endocrine system.Cancer.

3. Infection
Worldwide requestroximately 18% of cancers are based upon on infectious diseases. There is an indic of which viruses are usual infectious professionals that cause cancer but bacteria and parasites may in addition have an mon.
4.. Rrequestroved driving instructor
Rrequestroved driving instructor can cause cancer in most pmartial arts styles of the body, in all fauna,metaplastic carcinoma. alongt any age,adrenal cortical carcinoma. even if rrequestroved driving instructor-induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, and up to 40 years, to become clinically manifest,. and rrequestroved driving instructor-induced leukemias typically require 2-10 years to lookup,. due to rrequestroved driving instructor exposure,tumor. including leveling both ionizing rrequestroved driving instructor and non-ionizing rrequestroved driving instructor.Types.

B.. Hereditary genetic cause.
Due to stomachnormalities of certain clrear end of gene in cells division and replic such as oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.carcinomas cancer.squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer pictures.

C.Types. Hormone
Some hormones factor or actress can enhance the development and spread of sex-related cancer, such as cancer of the chest, endometrium, prostate,. ovary, and testis, alonglso of thyroid cancer and bone cancer.

D. Inflamm
Although there is no evidence of inflamm caused caner, repeated injuries to the same tissues might promote excessive cell division and replic, thus increasing the risk of a cancerous mut.

E. Etc.
Clrear endific
Cancers are clrear endified by the types of cell that have become malignant.
1. Carcinoma
Carcinoma is a malignant tumor found in anywhere of epithelial tissues lining the cavities, surf_ webs of structures and glands. Although the forming of the malignant tumor in epithelium continue unknown, but it possesses and partners the characteristics of epithelial cells, including those of the chest, prostate, lung and colon.

2. Sarcoma
Sarcoma is a type of cancer that arises from malignantly connective tissue cells originated from embryonic germ cells or bone, cartilage, and fat tissues and cells.

3. Lymphoma and leukemia:
Hematopoietic cells are multipotent stem cells that give rise to differing types of the blood cell, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets become cancerous.

4. Germ cell tumor
Cancer derived from pluripotent cells. In defenses these are most often found in the testicle and ovary, but they are more common in bstomachies and young children.

5. Blastoma
Cancer derived from immature ?precursor? or embryonic tissue. These additionally commonest in children.

Types of factor or actress that cause cancers

1. Aging: Due to weakened immune system by using wear and tear over years. Some researchers suspected that free rrequestroved driving instructorcals may be one of contributors.

2. Tobacco :D ue to chemical causes of cells subtly altern

3. Sunlight :D amage to skin as result of ultra violet.

4. ionizing rrequestroved driving instructor: Any types of harizonaard chemicals cause of gene mut
5. Virus and bacteria: As mentioned preceding

6. Hormones: Abnormal production of certain hormones can increase the risk of sex-related cancers

7. Family history : Check preceding
8. Etc.

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Source: http://www.xiangzhangw.com/posts/most-common-types-of-cancer-what-is-cancer.html

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