Monday, February 4, 2013

Medieval/Light Fantasy RP remake


So, it's that time of year again when I have finally put a boot up my ass and decided to recreate an old roleplay that was successful in the past, but eventually died due to the players getting busy in real-life. Now, after remaking it several different ways, changing the plot a little, changing it back again, and changing it some more, I've decided to try and remake the world that I have in my head and give people a fucking awesome story to be a part of.

How does that sound?

Well, if you're still reading, obviously it sounds good, or even great. Now. Like the title suggests, this is a medieval/light fantasy RP. I imagine it to be along the same genre as the Game of Thrones books (which I am currently reading the first and enjoying immensely. Dunno why I didn't find these books sooner!). Anyhow, I've been creating and developing this world for a few years now, and sometime this week, I hope to draw a detailed map for it too, and outline all the lores, politics, storylines, etc etc.

Here Is the link to the old OOC thread which was to the first time I RP'd it when it was successful.

The basic story is that there are two main lands; Illena of the North and Ayia of the South. Illena has a great king in control of his country. He looks after his people, is well loved, but there is a sad story behind him. Sixteen years ago, he had the most beautiful queen. Her skin as as pale as a peach, freckles dotting her face, and eyes as green as emeralds. That year she finally birthed a beautiful daughter called Tianna. She was their world, until that tragic night, 53 days until Summer.

It was a night where the heaviest of rains fell. The princess would not sleep and the king was with his counsel. The queen, alone in the baby's nursery, safe sat nursing her baby when the door opened and instead of her husband like she expected, in came an intruder all in black. She tried desperately to scream for help and save her child, but the intruder was no match. Before she knew it, her child was in the man's arms and a knife was embedded in her stomach. Then he was gone.

By the time the guards and king arrived, the baby was nowhere in sight. Three days later, his queen passed away from an infection and heartbreak. From the night his daughter was taken, he had his best knights out there searching for her. As the years passed by, she was still not found, dead nor alive. No word had been heard about her and no one had seen her. The search was scaled back, but still, sixteen years on, he hasn't lost hope that his daughter is alive, though most people suspect that she was killed the night she was taken.

Now, every year, as it gets to the time of 53 days until summer, the king sends out four of his best nights to hunt again for his long lost daughter.

And then there is Ayia; a kingdom that is led by a tyrant of a king that makes his people suffer because of his greed. He triples their taxes, starves their families, takes their values and has them living in fear of him. Criminals are prosecuted by watching their loved ones dies - innocent people killed because of a crime someone in their family committed. Men, women, even children. It doesn't matter. He is a greedy king.

19 years ago, he had a queen. She was just as beautiful as Illena's queen and they had a beautful son but she was in a kingdom where holding her tongue was best for her. She did not have input into how he ran his kingdom and she was disgusted. But she knew that for her own safety, she had to hold her tongue. It was him that drove her into having an affair. She got pregnant and led the king to believe it was his. With the man she had an affair with, she planned to leave the king and take their son to safety. She even had a child out of the kingdom, two years later and had trusted maids let the king know that the baby was stillborn. The baby was with it's father.

Someone betrayed the queen and let the king in on her illicit affair and later it was said that she had died in childbirth but the baby had survived. The maids involved had also been killed for treason, though this treason they committed wasn't released to anyone. And not long later, the king was bringing up his daughter and his son...

So, that's the basis of the story.

I want 4 knights of Illena that are looking for the princess. I have the prince sorted, but there are other people, like the daughter that the Ayian queen had that she sent to her father before the king found her alive and not to be his. Maybe a maid of the Illenian princess who is now living as the Ayian princess unknown to her of her true heritage. And even the best friend of the Ayian prince. And much more are welcome. Multiple characters and even NPC's too. I plan to get this up and going towards the end of this week.

Thoughts and ideas are welcome. I'm hoping that we can get this RP to a civil war point between Illena and Ayia. Or something of the sort. Please please please, show interest :D

All out now as bedtime.

Night guys.



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