Sunday, January 27, 2013

YMCA offers ?fitness solutions? to youth | ? Quad Cities ...

Childhood obesity is on the rise across the nation and it?s a problem we face right here at home.

On Saturday, the two rivers YMCA in Moline invited some kids and their parents to learn ways of making healthy habits a way of life.

Personal trainer Jamie Schoemaker and nutritionist Becky Stevens are trying to put a stop to the obesity epidemic.

?Children becoming heavier and heavier and sicker and sicker earlier and earlier,? said Stevens.

According to last year?s community health assessment, 72 percent of people in the Quad Cities are overweight and so are 39 percent of our kids.

We?re higher than the national average in both categories.

?We want to get the kids excited about exercise and excited about eating better and making better choices when it comes when it comes to a healthy lifestyle,? said Shoemaker.

Schoemaker and Stevens collaborated to create a program not just about exercise, but a healthy lifestyle.

?Get them thinking about what food is rather than just opening up a bag,? she said.

Although the kids are perfectly healthy, the lessons they?ll be learning in the next 10 weeks could help them keep it up for the rest of their lives.

?It?s good to start young you know they?re forming their habits now as opposed to waiting until there?s a problem?

?Kids they?re so involved with computers and video games and not outside playing like we were when we were growing up?

To join the program, contact the Two Rivers YMCA in Moline at (309) 797-3945 and ask for the Youth Fitness Solution class or go to


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

From the start, Dreamliner jet program was rushed

NEW YORK (AP) ? The 787 Dreamliner was born in a moment of desperation.

It was 2003 and Boeing ? the company that defined modern air travel ? had just lost its title as the world's largest plane manufacturer to European rival Airbus. Its CEO had resigned in a defense-contract scandal. And its stock had plunged to the lowest price in a decade.

Two years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, financially troubled airlines were reluctant to buy new planes. Boeing needed something revolutionary to win back customers.

Salvation had a code name: Yellowstone.

It was a plane that promised to be lighter and more technologically advanced than any other. Half of it would be built with new plastics instead of aluminum. The cabin would be more comfortable for passengers, and airlines could cut their fuel bills by 20 percent.

But once production started, the gap between vision and reality quickly widened. The jet that was eventually dubbed the Dreamliner became plagued with manufacturing delays, cost overruns and sinking worker morale.

In interviews with The Associated Press, a dozen former Boeing engineers, designers and managers recounted the pressure to meet tight deadlines. Adding to the chaos was the company's never-before-tried plan to build a plane from parts made around the globe.

The former Boeing workers still stand behind the jetliner ? and are proud to have worked on it. But many question whether the rush contributed to a series of problems that led the Federal Aviation Administration last week to take the extraordinary step of grounding the 787. Other countries did the same.

Even before a single bolt was tightened, the Dreamliner was different. Because executives didn't want to risk all of the billions of dollars necessary to build a new commercial aircraft, they came up with a novel, but precarious, solution.

A global network of suppliers would develop, and then build, most of the parts in locations as far away as Germany, Japan and Sweden. Boeing's own employees would manufacture just 35 percent of the plane before assembling the final aircraft at its plant outside Seattle.

The decision haunts Boeing to this day.

The FAA's order to stop flying the Dreamliner came after a battery fire aboard a 787 in Boston and another battery incident during a flight in Japan. It was the first time the FAA had grounded a whole fleet of planes since 1979, when it ordered the DC-10 out of the sky following a series of fatal crashes.

Inspectors have focused on the plane's lithium-ion batteries and its complicated electrical system, which were developed by subcontractors in Japan, France, Arizona and North Carolina.

Boeing declined to comment about the past but said its engineers are working around the clock to fix the recent problems.

"Until those investigations conclude, we can't speculate on what the results may be," the company said in a statement. "We are confident the 787 is safe, and we stand behind its overall integrity."

For decades, Boeing has been responsible for the biggest advances in aviation. The jet age started in 1958 with a Pan American flight between New York and Paris that took just eight and a half hours aboard the new Boeing 707.

In 1970, Boeing ushered in the era of the jumbo jet with the 747. The giant plane, with its distinctive bulbous upper deck, made global air travel affordable. Suddenly a summer vacation in London wasn't just for the rich.

By the start of the 21st century, change was much more incremental. Consolidation had left the world with two main commercial jet manufacturers: Boeing and Airbus.

Boeing executives initially had not considered government-backed Airbus a serious competitor. But in 2003, the unthinkable happened. Boeing delivered just 281 new jets. Airbus produced 305, becoming for the first time the world's biggest plane manufacturer.

American jobs ? and pride ? were at stake.

And that wasn't all. Airbus was starting to develop its own new jet: the A380, the world's largest commercial plane, capable of carrying up to 853 passengers, or the equivalent of at least five Boeing 737s.

"They were scaring everybody," said Bryan Dressler, who spent 12 years as a Boeing designer. "People here in Seattle have been through the booms and busts of Boeing so many times, even the slightest smack of a downturn makes people very edgy."

Airbus believed that larger airplanes were needed to connect congested airports in the world's largest cities. Boeing executives weren't so sure.

They believed airline passengers would pay a premium to avoid those same congested hubs with long nonstop flights between smaller cities. Now they just needed to develop a plane that would somehow make such trips economical.

It had been 13 years since Boeing started development of a new plane, the 777. The company had recently scrapped two other major projects: a larger version of the 747 and the Sonic Cruiser, a plane that would fly close to the speed of sound.

A development team with a knack for assigning new planes code names based on national parks had just the thing: Project Yellowstone.

The plane ? eventually rechristened the Dreamliner after a naming contest ? was unlike anything else previously proposed.

Half of its structure would be made of plastics reinforced with carbon fiber, a composite material that is both lighter and stronger than aluminum. In another first, the plane would rely on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries to start its auxiliary power unit, which provides power on the ground or if the main engines quit.

While other planes divert hot air from the engines through internal ducts to power some functions, the 787 uses electricity. Getting rid of those ducts is one thing that makes the plane lighter.

There were also benefits for passengers. The plane's extra strength allowed for larger windows and a more comfortable cabin pressure. Because composites can't corrode like aluminum, the humidity in the cabin could be as much as 16 percent, double that of a typical aircraft. That meant fewer dry throats and stuffy noses.

Before a single aircraft was built, the plane was an instant hit, becoming the fastest-selling new jet in history. Advance orders were placed for more than 800 planes. Boeing seemed to be on its way back.

"Employees knew this was going to be a game changer, and they were stoked that the company was taking the risk to do something big," said Michael Cook, who spent 17 years as a computer developer at Boeing.

But this was no longer the trailblazing, risk-taking Boeing of a generation earlier. The company had acquired rival McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Many McDonnell Douglas executives held leadership positions in the new company. The joke was that McDonnell Douglas used Boeing's money to buy Boeing.

The 707 and 747 were blockbuster bets that nearly ruined the company before paying off. McDonnell Douglas executives didn't have the same appetite for gambling.

So the only way the board of directors would sign off on the Dreamliner was to spread the risk among a global chain of suppliers. In December 2003, they agreed to take on half of the estimated $10 billion development cost.

The plan backfired as production problems quickly surfaced.

"I saw total chaos. Boeing bit off more than it could chew," said Larry Caracciolo, an engineer who spent three years managing 787 supplier quality.

First, there were problems with the molding of the new plastics. Then parts made by different suppliers didn't fit properly. For instance, the nose-and-cockpit section was out of alignment with the rest of the plane, leaving a 0.3-inch gap.

By giving up control of its supply chain, Boeing had lost the ability to oversee each step of production. Problems sometimes weren't discovered until the parts came together at its Everett, Wash., plant.

Fixes weren't easy, and cultures among the suppliers often clashed.

"It seemed like the Italians only worked three days a week. They were always on vacation. And the Japanese, they worked six days a week," said Jack Al-Kahwati, a former Boeing structural weight engineer.

Even simple conversations between Boeing employees and those from the suppliers working in-house in Everett weren't so simple. Because of government regulations controlling the export of defense-related technology, any talks with international suppliers had to take place in designated conference rooms. Each country had its own, separate space for conversations.

There were also deep fears, especially among veteran Boeing workers, that "we were giving up all of our trade secrets to the Japanese and that they would be our competition in 10 years," Al-Kahwati said.

As the project fell further behind schedule, pressure mounted. It became increasingly clear that delivery deadlines wouldn't be met.

Each success, no matter how small, was celebrated. The first delivery of a new part or the government certification of an engine would lead to a gathering in one of the engineering building atriums. Banners were hung and commemorative cards ? like baseball cards ? or coins were handed out.

Those working on the plane brought home a constant stream of trinkets: hats, Frisbees, 787 M&Ms, travel mugs, plane-shaped chocolates, laser pointers and lapel pins. Many of the items can now be found for sale on eBay.

"It kept you going because there was this underlying suspicion that we weren't going to hit these targets that they were setting," said Matt Henson, who spent five and a half years as an engineer on the project.

The world got its first glimpse of the Dreamliner on July 8, 2007. The date was chosen not because of some production milestone but for public relations value. It was, after all, 7/8/7.

Tom Brokaw served as the master of ceremonies at an event that drew 15,000 people. The crowd was in awe.

It was "beyond experiencing a rock star on stage," said Dressler, a former Boeing designer. "This thing is so sexy, between the paint job and the lines and the fact that it's here now and you can touch it."

But like so much of show business, the plane was just a prop. It lacked most flight controls. Parts of the fuselage were temporarily fastened together just for the event. Some savvy observers noted that bolt heads were sticking out from the aircraft's composite skin.

Boeing CEO Jim McNerney told the crowd that the plane would fly within two months.

Instead, the company soon announced the first of what would be many delays. It would be more than two years before the plane's first test flight.

To overcome production problems, Boeing replaced executives and bought several of the suppliers to gain greater control. Work continued at breakneck pace.

"We were competing against time. We were competing against the deadline of delivering the first airplane," said Roman Sherbak, who spent four years on the project.

Then on a cold, overcast morning in December 2009, it all came together.

A crowd gathered at Paine Field, the airport adjacent to Boeing's factory. The Dreamliner climbed deftly into the sky for a three-hour test flight.

But there were still plenty of glitches, including an onboard fire during a November 2010 test flight. Smoke had entered the cabin from an electronics panel in the rear of the plane. The fleet was grounded for six weeks. This month's safety problems appear unrelated.

Deliveries were pushed back yet again.

Passengers wouldn't first step aboard the plane until Oct. 26, 2011, three and a half years after Boeing first promised.

That first, four-hour journey ? from Tokyo to Hong Kong ? was more of a party than a flight. Passengers posed for photos as they climbed stairs into the jet. Alcohol flowed freely. Boeing executives were on hand, showing off the plane's new features. Everybody, it seemed, needed to use the bathroom if only to check out the bidet and giant window inside.

More airlines started to fly the plane. Each new route was met with celebration. Travelers shifted itineraries to catch a ride on the new plane.

Boeing had hoped by the end of 2013 to double production of the Dreamliner to 10 planes a month. There are 799 unfilled orders for the plane, which carries a $206.8 million list price, although airlines often negotiate deep discounts.

Then, this month, all the progress came to a jarring halt.

First, a battery ignited on a Japan Airlines 787 shortly after it landed at Boston's Logan International Airport. Passengers had already left the plane, but it took firefighters 40 minutes to put out the blaze.

Problems also popped up on other planes. There were fuel and oil leaks, a cracked cockpit window and a computer glitch that erroneously indicated a brake problem.

Then a 787 flown by Japan's All Nippon Airways made an emergency landing after pilots learned of battery problems and detected a burning smell. Both Japanese airlines grounded their Dreamliner fleets. The FAA, which just days earlier insisted that the plane was safe, did the same for U.S. planes.

Each new aircraft comes with problems. The A380 had its own glitches, including an in-flight engine explosion that damaged fuel and hydraulic lines and the landing flaps. But the unique nature of the 787 worries regulators.

American and Japanese investigators have yet to determine the cause of the problems, and the longer the 787 stays grounded, the more money Boeing must pay airlines in penalties.

"It's been a very expensive process, and it's not going to let up anytime soon," said Richard Aboulafia, an aerospace analyst with the Teal Group. "At this point, the aircraft still looks very promising. I don't think anybody is talking about canceling orders but people are nervous about the schedule."

As investigators try to figure out the cause of the plane's latest problems the world finds itself in a familiar position with the Dreamliner: waiting.


Scott Mayerowitz can be reached at smayerowitz(at)


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Realtor Marketing ? Should You Use WiseAgent, Top Producer or ...

Realtor Marketing – Should You Use WiseAgent, Top Producer or InfusionSoft?So today?s post is for my bestie, the fabulous Deb Ward (send her all your referrals for the Tampa Bay area because she lets me call her out to your benefit!)

So you are just getting into real estate or your are thinking about changing your real estate database over to something new. You have heard at conferences and from your broker that the best two on the market for realtors are WiseAgent and Top Producer so you figure they will be good enough. Sigh?

So what is so wrong with using a realtor database instead of a ?real?, internet marketing database like InfusionSoft, iContact, Office Auto Pilot or any of the others out there on the market? Here is my take at 40,000 feet (read first and then watch the video)

1. Realtors have been told for eons that they need a realtor solution. They like marketing tools specifically made for realtors without looking around at their fellow realtors. These tools are made for the lowest common denominator, the agent who can barely work her cell phone and who is using the company website. Some of these dears are AMAZINGLY successful, but they are not exactly cutting edge on the technology front!

2. Having your listing process or closing tasks embedded in your real estate database might be a good idea, but most of the realtors I have talked to lately are using a third party closer or are using a system embedded in their broker site or MLS. The last thing you want is to have all your closing tasks in your marketing database (in my opinion). Your marketing database is bring in leads, lots of them, and then nurture them until they become real prospects.

3. Having a database that is a marketing database instead of a realtor database means that you will have actual tools for prospecting, building your website, collecting leads, sending autoresponders and generally doing real marketing instead of just tired old drip campaigns that annoy your prospects.

4. If you are primarily a listing agent, why the heck do you make the main focus of your website data capturing buyers likes and dislikes?

So finally to realtor marketing databases?.

Deb is currently using WiseAgent and there are some good things in there for realtors?but darn it, I don?t care about realtor stuff, because she is my friend, I care about her getting more real leads, having more closings and making more money. That?s it. I don?t sugar coat it with her and so I am going to give you the real deal info too!

You need to start internet marketing right now! You need to have programs and campaigns specifically designed to prospect for people that you want to work with. If you are working with buyers, you need to make sure that you marketing is geared to fulfilling their needs, sellers need something different and you want to make sure to satisfy that too!

Some examples for buyers include? free relocation guides for buyers, a native?s tour of your town, top restaurants in the area, subdivision info, etc.

Some examples for sellers include? tips for home staging, honest talk about pricing, a checklist of what to get fixed BEFORE you list your house, etc. (ohohoh thought of another one! how to list your house so that you get cash offers instead of having to deal with Jumbo loans)

Do you see a theme here? If EVERY OTHER REAL ESTATE WEBSITE in the world has listings or heaven forbid an offer for a free CMA and you have real information that would actually help them, who do you think is going to get that phone call to come list me?.:)

So what are we going to start with? A FSBO email marketing autoresponder. The FSBO signs up to get tips and tricks on how to be a better seller and Deb gets the chance to start a relationship with them without having to lift a finger!!! (find out how to do a campaign like this yourself at Tools for Realtors ? there is an opt in form on the right)

So what are the steps?

1. Make a series of videos (as you can see in the free course, we didn?t go high tech here?just good solid info from Deb!)
2. Set up a web form to capture data (in the video below) and then
3. set up the email followups

That is it! I KNOW the first time you see this it seems like it is SO many steps but never fear, the first time you do anything it is hard, after that you do a system and then just start banging them out.

this is recorded in real time?.:)

So, to wrap up. Your website should be made to do just one thing, capture leads from people who want to work with YOU (not just buy houses). You need a database that has internet marketing capabilities (I recommend InfusionSoft because of the ease of use and that handy dandy campaign builder), then you need to do some follow up emails, ensuring you stay top of mind when they are looking for a real estate agent to hire!

(that IS an affiliate link for InfusionSoft! I SO love them?:)

Resources from this post!

How To Set Up A FSBO Email Campaign ? Tools For Realtors
Come To Clearwater ? Clearwater and St. Pete Real Estate
Raj Qsar ? Orange County Real Estate
Smart Passive Income Blog
Perry Marshall Adwords
Chris Brogan
InfusionSoft Database for Realtor Marketing


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

NKorea warns of nuke test, more rocket launches

FILE - In this Dec. 21, 2012 file image made from video, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un speaks at a banquet for rocket scientists in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korea's top governing body warned Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 that the regime will conduct its third nuclear test in defiance of U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States. The National Defense Commission, headed by the country's young leader, rejected Tuesday's U.N. Security Council resolution condemning North Korea's long-range rocket launch in December as a banned missile activity and expanding sanctions against the regime. (AP Photo/KRT via AP Video, File) NORTH KOREA OUT

FILE - In this Dec. 21, 2012 file image made from video, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un speaks at a banquet for rocket scientists in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korea's top governing body warned Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 that the regime will conduct its third nuclear test in defiance of U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States. The National Defense Commission, headed by the country's young leader, rejected Tuesday's U.N. Security Council resolution condemning North Korea's long-range rocket launch in December as a banned missile activity and expanding sanctions against the regime. (AP Photo/KRT via AP Video, File) NORTH KOREA OUT

U.S. envoy to North Korea Glyn Davies speaks after meeting with South Korea's nuclear envoy Lim Sung-nam, unseen, at the Foreign Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. The North Korean military commission led by leader Kim Jong Un warned Thursday that the regime is poised to conduct a nuclear test in defiance of U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

U.S. envoy to North Korea Glyn Davies, right, speaks after meeting with South Korea's nuclear envoy Lim Sung-nam at the Foreign Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. The North Korean military commission led by leader Kim Jong Un warned Thursday that the regime is poised to conduct a nuclear test in defiance of U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A banner showing starving North Korean children and a rocket is displayed on a street in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. North Korea's top military body warned Thursday that the regime is poised to conduct a nuclear test in response to U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States. The writing reads " Fired North Korean rocket for whom?" (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

People watch TV showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013. North Korea swiftly lashed out against the U.N. Security Council's condemnation of its December launch of a long-range rocket, saying Wednesday that it will strengthen its military defenses - including its nuclear weaponry - in response.(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

(AP) ? North Korea's top governing body warned Thursday that the regime will conduct its third nuclear test in defiance of U.N. punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the United States.

The National Defense Commission, headed by the country's young leader, Kim Jong Un, denounced Tuesday's U.N. Security Council resolution condemning North Korea's long-range rocket launch in December as a banned missile activity and expanding sanctions against the regime. The commission reaffirmed in its declaration that the launch was a peaceful bid to send a satellite into space, but also clearly indicated the country's rocket launches have a military purpose: to strike and attack the United States.

While experts say North Korea doesn't have the capability to hit the U.S. with its missiles, recent tests and rhetoric indicate the country is feverishly working toward that goal.

The commission pledged to keep launching satellites and rockets and to conduct a nuclear test as part of a "new phase" of combat with the United States, which it blames for leading the U.N. bid to punish Pyongyang. It said a nuclear test was part of "upcoming" action but did not say exactly when or where it would take place.

"We do not hide that a variety of satellites and long-range rockets which will be launched by the DPRK one after another and a nuclear test of higher level which will be carried out by it in the upcoming all-out action, a new phase of the anti-U.S. struggle that has lasted century after century, will target against the U.S., the sworn enemy of the Korean people," the commission said, referring to North Korea by its official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

"Settling accounts with the U.S. needs to be done with force, not with words, as it regards jungle law as the rule of its survival," the commission said.

It was a rare declaration by the powerful commission once led by late leader Kim Jong Il and now commanded by his son. The statement made clear Kim Jong Un's commitment to continue developing the country's nuclear and missile programs in defiance of the Security Council, even at risk of further international isolation.

North Korea's allusion to a "higher level" nuclear test most likely refers to a device made from highly enriched uranium, which is easier to miniaturize than the plutonium bombs it tested in 2006 and 2009, said Cheong Seong-chang, an analyst at the private Sejong Institute in South Korea. Experts say the North Koreans must conduct further tests of its atomic devices and master the technique for making them smaller before they can be mounted as nuclear warheads onto long-range missiles.

The U.S. State Department had no immediate response to Thursday's statement. Shortly before the commission issued its declaration, U.S. envoy on North Korea Glyn Davies urged Pyongyang not to explode an atomic device.

"Whether North Korea tests or not, it's up to North Korea. We hope they don't do it. We call on them not to do it," he told reporters in Seoul after meeting with South Korean officials. "It will be a mistake and a missed opportunity if they were to do it."

Davies was in Seoul on a trip that includes his stops in China and Japan for talks on how to move forward on North Korea relations.

South Korea's top official on relations with the North said Pyongyang's nuclear and missile development is a "cataclysm for the Korean people," and poses a fundamental threat to regional and world peace. "The North Korean behavior is very disappointing," Unification Minister Yu Woo-ik said in a lecture in Seoul, according to his office.

North Korea claims the right to build nuclear weapons as a defense against the United States, its Korean War foe.

The bitter three-year war ended in a truce, not a peace treaty, in 1953, and left the Korean Peninsula divided by the world's most heavily fortified demilitarized zone. The U.S. leads the U.N. Command that governs the truce and stations more than 28,000 troops in ally South Korea, a presence that North Korea cites as a key reason for its drive to build nuclear weapons.

For years, North Korea's neighbors had been negotiating with Pyongyang on providing aid in return for disarmament. North Korea walked away from those talks in 2009 and on Wednesday reiterated that disarmament talks were out of the question.

North Korea is estimated to have stored up enough weaponized plutonium for four to eight bombs, according to scientist Siegfried Hecker, who visited the North's Nyongbyon nuclear complex in 2010.

In 2009, Pyongyang declared that it would begin enriching uranium, which would give North Korea a second way to make atomic weapons.

North Korea carried out underground nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009, both times just weeks after being punished with U.N. sanctions for launching long-range rockets.

In October, an unidentified spokesman at the National Defense Commission claimed that the U.S. mainland was within missile range. And at a military parade last April, North Korea showed off what appeared to be an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Satellite photos taken last month at a nuclear test site in Punggye-ri, in far northeast North Korea, showed continued activity that suggested a state of readiness even in winter, according to analysis by 38 North, a North Korea website affiliated with the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies.

Another nuclear test would bring North Korea a step closer to being able to launch a long-range missile tipped with a nuclear warhead, said Daniel Pinkston, an analyst with the International Crisis Group.

"Their behavior indicates they want to acquire those capabilities," he said. "The ultimate goal is to have a robust nuclear deterrent."


Associated Press writers Jean H. Lee and Sam Kim contributed to this report. Follow AP's Korea bureau chief at

Associated Press


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Kansas health care network connects to electronic systems in ...

The Kansas Health Information Network has connected with information systems in Missouri and Nebraska to share health information across state lines.

The connections to the Nebraska Health Information Initiative and Missouri Health Connection allow health care providers who are a part of the network to send and receive encrypted health care information online about such things as lab results, notes and patient care.

?We think it?s very exciting that providers will be able to securely communicate across state lines and send information for patients that pass back and forth to receive care,? Laura McCrary, executive director for the Kansas Health Information Network.

?It?s absolutely our plan to allow providers to coordinate with providers in surrounding states and eventually across the nation.?

KHIN is also working with Colorado and Oklahoma to eventually connect, McCrary said.

KHIN, which went ?live? in July, is growing rapidly, McCrary said. There are more than 175,000 patient records in the network. So far, there are more than 3,100 providers, 60 hospitals and 150 clinics participating, she said.

From October to December 2012, there were more than 20,000 queries by providers to access information.

Ron Brown, Wichita Health Information Exchange board president and family physician with Wichita Family Medicine Specialists, says the connection across state lines is a ?fantastic first step.?

The Wichita system is a part of KHIN.

?The ultimate thing is improvement in patient care,? Brown said. ?That?s how we even got started with this whole process?... to provide improved services to patients at the time of service.?

The creation and integration of the information networks will also help reduce the duplication of services, saving time and cost for providers and patients, Brown said.

The next step for KHIN this year is setting up patient portals so that patients can view their records, message providers and schedule appointments, McCrary said.

That process will start in the spring, she said, with integration into the exchange likely happening in the fall.

Reach Kelsey Ryan at 316-269-6752 or


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Setting the Dark on Fire: Beautiful view of clouds of cosmic dust in region of Orion

Jan. 23, 2013 ? In space, dense clouds of cosmic gas and dust are the birthplaces of new stars. In visible light, this dust is dark and obscuring, hiding the stars behind it. So much so that, when astronomer William Herschel observed one such cloud in the constellation of Scorpius in 1774, he thought it was a region empty of stars and is said to have exclaimed, "Truly there is a hole in the sky here!" [1]

In order to better understand star formation, astronomers need telescopes that can observe at longer wavelengths, such as the submillimetre range, in which the dark dust grains shine rather than absorb light. APEX, on the Chajnantor Plateau in the Chilean Andes, is the largest single-dish submillimetre-wavelength telescope operating in the southern hemisphere, and is ideal for astronomers studying the birth of stars in this way.

Located in the constellation of Orion (The Hunter), 1500 light-years away from Earth, the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth, and contains a treasury of bright nebulae, dark clouds and young stars. The new image shows just part of this vast complex in visible light, with the APEX observations overlaid in brilliant orange tones that seem to set the dark clouds on fire. Often, the glowing knots from APEX correspond to darker patches in visible light -- the tell-tale sign of a dense cloud of dust that absorbs visible light, but glows at submillimetre wavelengths, and possibly a site of star formation.

The bright patch below of the centre of the image is the nebula NGC 1999. This region -- when seen in visible light -- is what astronomers call a reflection nebula, where the pale blue glow of background starlight is reflected from clouds of dust. The nebula is mainly illuminated by the energetic radiation from the young star V380 Orionis [2] lurking at its heart. In the centre of the nebula is a dark patch, which can be seen even more clearly in a well-known image ( from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

Normally, a dark patch such as this would indicate a dense cloud of cosmic dust, obscuring the stars and nebula behind it. However, in this image we can see that the patch remains strikingly dark, even when the APEX observations are included. Thanks to these APEX observations, combined with infrared observations from other telescopes, astronomers believe that the patch is in fact a hole or cavity in the nebula, excavated by material flowing out of the star V380 Orionis. For once, it truly is a hole in the sky!

The region in this image is located about two degrees south of the large and well-known Orion Nebula (Messier 42), which can be seen at the top edge of the wider view in visible light from the Digitized Sky Survey.

The APEX observations used in this image were led by Thomas Stanke (ESO), Tom Megeath (University of Toledo, USA), and Amy Stutz (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany). APEX is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR), the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) and ESO. Operation of APEX at Chajnantor is entrusted to ESO.


[1] In German, "Hier ist wahrhaftig ein Loch im Himmel!"

[2] V380 Orionis has a high surface temperature of about 10,000 Kelvin (about the same in degrees Celsius), nearly twice that of our own Sun. Its mass is estimated to be 3.5 times that of the Sun.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Making An Investment In The Gold IRA | Culture

Everybody has a diverse investment portfolio placed in different industries. Several will have more dangerous financial portfolios than others. Nonetheless, they?ll normally be able to enjoy more revenue using their investments. More income would normally be linked to a greater risk in investing. Many retirement plans could be rolled over into the gold IRA. A financial advisor should be able to work out the details.

Moving assets from an individual?s retirement plan to a gold 401k could be fairly easy. Usually, a financial advisor can help to make the necessary adjustments and handle the paperwork. Those who are interested in making investments in a gold retirement program should think about the different amounts that they need to roll over into gold. With the different alternatives available online, numerous individuals can sign up for a 401k transferring by themselves.

A gold 401k rollover is pretty simple, and individuals looking for these kinds of investments should make necessary adjustments with a financial advisor. Dependent on the kind of relationship that an individual has with a financial institution and the kind of solutions which the banking institution is able to provide, several costs will be charged for making an appointment when it comes to the gold 401k account. The gold rollover should be submitted to the gold IRA custodian.

Generally speaking, a lot of finance companies that guide their own members will want to discuss all of the options which are available to ensure that the members will be secure. The monetary consultants generally will not charge additional costs for these solutions. A lot of them are able to provide detailed information about the procedure associated with rolling over a person?s 401k into a gold 401k.

Acquiring a gold Individual Retirement Account is a wise decision for your retirement. In case you are serious, you could find more information that are dedicated to it. For additional information, kindly visit Click Here

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What Exactly Is Australian Barbecue? |

As far as stereotypical Australian phrases go, few come to mind more readily than put another shrimp on the barbie.

For Australians, however, the notion that they are forever tossing shrimp onto their barbies (barbecues) is absurd. In fact, the barbecue culture Down Under is much more reflective of the country?s resources, as well as its proximity to Asia.The Herald Sun quizzed Aussie food personalities on what they love to grill, revealing a much more diverse ?cue cutlure than you might expect.

First though, some definitions. While many of us use the terms ?barbecue? and ?grill? interchangeably, bonafide BBQ experts stateside consider the two distinct. Barbecue refers to cooking for a long period at a low temperature. This ?low and slow? approach to cooking meats?particularly tough cuts??allows for the food to soak up the smoke and rub flavors, and to become very tender and moist.? Grilling is the opposite approach??the method of cooking food hot and fast on your grill.??This technique is most commonly used for everyday backyard cookout fare like burgers, chicken, steak, seafood, vegetables, and fruit.

For Australians, barbecue is more all-encompassing, equivalent to our sense of grilling. For chefs like Curtis Stone, Marion Glasby, and Stefano de Pierri, the prime candidates for BBQ are lamb, sausages, and prawns. However, there were other chefs who named choices that reflected Australia?s rich immigrant background. A?third-generation Aussie, celebrity chef Kylie Kwong?chose?yabbies (freshwater crawfish) with a dressing of chili, garlic, ginger, and soy. Meanwhile, Gourmet Farmer?Matthew Evans believes that ?one of the joys of being Australian is being able to ?pick and choose and take in all the good stuff from around the world?,? which is why he opts for a Middle Eastern lamb kofte as a favorite.

[via The Herald Sun]


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Airport Security Toy Outrages Amazon Shoppers - Business Insider

We've covered some bizarre toys before,?but this one is priceless ... literally.

The toy is unavailable right now on Amazon, and we're not surprised reading the comments.

The funniest from commenter M. MCKNIGHT?titled "Not complete without the line":

"This toy would be a lot more realistic with about 350 people standing in line for an average of an hour. It still makes a nice set with the interrogation room."

The Transportation Security Agency has been under fire since its inception, most recently when it admitted its "nude" body scanners didn't actually prevent anything.

A bit more troubling is the "Customers Who Viewed This Item" notice and its line of suggested purchases:

? Playmobile Security Police Checkpoint

? A Die Cast drone toy

Followed by:

? ?John Gibson's "The War on Christmas"

Perhaps more terrifying is the awareness of so many outraged commenters at the implication a child should get used to invasive security as a norm of life, as it is a product of "terrorism" occurring more than ten years ago. There isn't a single positive comment ? at least, by the end of?3 of 13 pages.

One guy even went to the trouble of "redacting" his "comment":


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Monday, January 21, 2013

'Death Wish' director Michael Winner dies aged 77 | Showbiz | GMA ...

LONDON- Flamboyant British film director Michael Winner, best known for the "Death Wish" series of the 1970s and 80s, died at his London home on Monday. He was 77.

In a statement released to the media, his wife Geraldine said: "A light has gone out in my life."

Winner, who reinvented himself in recent years as an outspoken restaurant critic in the Sunday Times, had been ill for some time, and revealed last summer that specialists had given him 18 months to live due to heart and liver problems.

He said in a later interview that he had considered going to the Dignitas assisted-dying clinic in Switzerland.

Winner's movie career spanned some 40 years and more than 30 feature films, including the successful Death Wish series starring Charles Bronson as a vigilante out to avenge family murders.

He worked with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood, including Marlon Brando, Robert Mitchum and Faye Dunaway, but his success was overshadowed by a divisive image in Britain as a pompous bon viveur who did nothing to hide his wealth.

According to Winner's official online biography, actor Michael Caine once said of him: "You are a complete and utter fraud. You come on like a bombastic, ill-tempered monster. It's not the side I see of you. I see a man who has a tremendous artistic eye."

In its obituary, the Daily Telegrah wrote: "Flamboyant, often boorish, he was, in many ways, his own worst enemy."

Early interest in showbusiness

Born in London in 1935, Winner took an early interest in showbusiness, writing an entertainment column aged just 14 which was published in 30 local newspapers.

According to his website, he studied law and economics at Cambridge University and worked as a film critic as a teenager before entering the world of movies full time in 1956 when he started marking documentaries and shorts.

In the 1960s Winner focused on comedies like "The Jokers" and "I'll Never Forget What's 'Isname", both of which starred Oliver Reed.

The following decade he moved on to crime capers like "The Mechanic" and "The Stone Killer" before the commercially successful Death Wish, which was released in 1974 and spawned several sequels.

The original movie proved controversial for its portrayal of urban violence, but Winner defended a film he always knew he would be best remembered for.

"Death Wish was an epoch-making film," he told the Big Issue charity publication last year. "The first film in the history of cinema where the hero kills other civilians.

"It had never been done before. Since then it has been the most copied film ever. Tarantino put it in his top 10 films ever made."

He later turned his hand to food criticism in a typically outspoken column for the Sunday Times called Winner's Dinners. His last column appeared on Dec. 2 and was titled: "Geraldine says it's time to get down from the table. Goodbye."

Winner, whose appearance in adverts for insurance coined the catchphrase "Calm down dear, it's only a commercial", founded and funded the Police Memorial Trust following the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan embassy in London in 1984.

More than 50 officers have been honored by the trust at sites across the country.

He was reportedly offered an OBE in the Queen's honors' list in 2006 for the campaign, but turned it down, saying: "An OBE is what you get if you clean the toilets well at King's Cross station." ? Reuters


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In China, signs that one-child policy may be coming to an end

JIUQUAN, China (Reuters) - China could be considering relaxing its harsh one-child policy because of women like Hu Yanqin, who lives in a village at the edge of the Gobi desert.

When Hu married a construction worker seven years ago, she knew she was going to have only one child, although the area where she lives, the Jiuquan region in northwestern Gansu province, is one of the rare places in China where those living in rural areas have been free to have two children since 1985.

"Those people with two children are those who are better off," said Hu, 32, dropping her six-year-old son off at kindergarten. "The majority of people in my village only have one child."

Advocates of reforming China's one-child policy use Hu and millions like her as evidence that relaxing the law will not lead to a surge of births in the world's most populous nation.

Jiuquan has a birth rate of 8 to 9 per 1,000 people, lower than the national average of about 12 births per 1,000 people.

The policy, implemented since 1980 alongside reforms that have led to rapid economic expansion, is increasingly being seen as an impediment to growth and the harbinger of social problems.

The country's labor force, at about 930 million, will start declining in 2025 at a rate of about 10 million a year, projections show. Meanwhile, China's elderly population will hit 360 million by 2030, from about 200 million in 2013.

"If this goes on, there will be no taxpayers, no workers and no caregivers for the elderly," said Gu Baochang, a demography professor at Renmin University.

China's top statistician, Ma Jiantang, said last Friday that the country should look into "an appropriate and scientific family planning policy" after data showed that the country's working-age population, aged 15 to 59, fell for the first time.

Economists say the policy is also responsible for China's high savings rate. A single child often must take care of two - and four in the case of married couples - retired parents, increasing the likelihood that working adults will save money for their old age rather than spend.

That has delayed the "rebalancing" of Beijing's economy toward more consumption, a step economists believe China needs to take to keep its growth going.

Expectations that Beijing will ease the restrictions, by gradually allowing couples to have two children, have been building since outgoing President Hu Jintao conspicuously dropped the phrase "maintain a low birth rate" in a work report to a Communist Party congress in November.

It was the first time in a decade that a major speech by a top leader had omitted such a reference and could signal that the new government led by Xi Jinping is leaning toward reform.

"I think that the 18th Party Congress report indicates that, and this is my personal interpretation, the one-child policy is going to be adjusted," said Ji Baocheng, a delegate to China's rubber stamp parliament who advocates change in the policy.


The one-child policy covers 63 per cent of the country's population and Beijing says it has averted 400 million births since 1980.

Its enforcement can be brutal. Couples who flout family planning laws are, at minimum, fined, some lose their jobs, and in some cases mothers are forced to abort their babies or be sterilized.

Last summer, a woman who was seven months pregnant was forced to have an abortion, triggering outrage on China's Internet and international condemnation.

But evidence has been mounting for years that the policy may be unnecessary to control population growth.

In 2008, Renmin University's Gu and the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy published a study on two-child policy programs in four regions, home to about 8 million people. They concluded that the high cost of having children is enough to hold down birthrates, but the freedom to have a second child results in a less skewed gender disparity.

The next year, sources told Reuters, the National Population and Family Planning Commission decided, as a first step, to expand pilot programs to relax the policy in four to five other regions.

The proposal was dropped for lack of a consensus among the leadership, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

The new leadership in Beijing, which assumes power formally in March, is likely to make another run at change, reform advocates believe.

"The adjustment of the policy is certain, it's only a question of time," said a recently retired official from the family planning commission, who maintains close ties with the agency.


A skewed gender ratio is another unwelcome effect of the one-child policy.

Like most Asian nations, China has a traditional bias for sons. Many families abort female fetuses and abandon baby girls to ensure their one child is a son, so about 118 boys are born for every 100 girls, against a global average of 103 to 107.

In Jiuquan, there are 110 boys for every 100 girls, far less skewed than the national average, because of the freedom to have two children.

Tian Xueyuan, one of the drafters of the original one-child policy, told Reuters that he had warned top officials nearly a decade ago of the flaws.

"A substantial portion of China's men will not be able to find a match ... and that will be a major factor of social instability," Tian said he told party leaders.

The usefulness of the one-child policy, he said, has run its course. "It's a special policy with a time limit, specifically, to control the births of one generation," Tian told Reuters.

Still, there are significant pockets of resistance. Last week, Wang Xia, the minister in charge of the family planning commission, said China will "unswervingly adhere" to its family planning policy.

Her remarks dismayed reformers expecting change from the new government, and ignited an outcry among Chinese Internet users.

Analysts said Wang's remarks did not necessarily reflect the thinking of the incoming government. The commission declined to comment.

In Jiuquan today, though the one-child policy is relaxed, women are still subject to strict family planning rules. They are fitted with intra-uterine devices after their first child, sterilized after their second. Anyone who defies the two-child quota pays a 30,000 yuan fine.

Few do. The women in Jiuquan complain about expensive school fees and other expenses of bringing up children.

"It's hard to raise a child," said Xing Juan, a 26-year-old with one son. "The burden is heavy."

(Editing by Bill Powell and Raju Gopalakrishnan)


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This Is An Actual Nerd

I'm from Portland and I hate Portlandia. But this clip from the latest episode is by far the most accurate thing Brownstein and Armisen have ever come up with and it has nothing to do with Portland. More »


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Sunday, January 20, 2013

plumbing - Is it safe to shut off cold water entering water heater ...

I have a pretty bad situation at my place. I have a leaky shower faucet which has gone from drips to a steady stream. I calculated the flow at .3 gallons per minute. My very old home has no private shut off valve for the water. I tried to shut the water off at the meter, but the valve was very tough and I didn't want to force it, break something, and be liable.

I've noticed that the water coming out of the faucet is pretty hot. So, I tried shutting off the valve supplying cold water to my heater. The amount of water leaking from the bathroom faucet reduced significantly. Is it safe to simply shut off the cold water supply to my gas heater or will it cause problems with pressure? Will water come out of the pressure relief valve at some point?

This is a temporary measure until I can have the water shut off by the water company or plumber. For now, I've left it on.


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    ACoN: Angola, Morocco draw | Cape Verde-SA, too

    The surface shows a match that looks similar to the Cup of Nations? opener, but as opposed to the 0-0 South Africa played out with Cape Verde, Saturday?s second match continually teased goals. From Morocco?s strong start to the last chance generated by Angola, Group A?s second game could have had multiple goals. But with neither team able to convert, Angola and Morocco ended scoreless, both teams entering into the four-way tie at the top of their group.

    It was the first time the Cup of Nations has opened with two scoreless draws, surprising consider the quality of play. This wasn?t the stodgy match many saw take place between South Africa and Cape Verde. A flowing game that saw each team able to take shots at the other?s defense never produced that final piece of execution needed to break through.

    At the onset, the game looked set to play out like the opener, with Morocco?s early energy leading to a period of control. Dominant play using the Lions? speed advantage on the flanks allowed Morocco to continuously get into the final third, with an early chance for?Mounir El Hamdaoui nearly giving them an early lead.

    But Morocco could never crafted a quality final ball, leading all their attacks to lose steam in front of goal. After their defense adjusted and Angola started winning more midfield battles, the Antelopes came into the match. By the end of the period, Angola was controlling the game, generating a number of set piece chances before the halftime whistle.

    After Moroccan star Youn?s Belhanda came on in the second half (a lack of fitness confining the Montpellier midfielder to the bench at the opening kickoff), the Lions seemed to have the midfield maestro that could take utilized their attackers. But just as in the first half, the end product never arrived.

    A late ball overhit for forward?Youssef El-Arabi?was?emblematic?Belhanda?s half. What could have been a chance that took three crucial points for Morocco turned into an easy scoop for Angolan keeper Lama, El-Arabi left to cut of his run as a through ball ends for naught.

    The Antelopes had their own late chance when Mateus targeted Manucho with a near post cross from the byline. Or perhaps the ball was trying to find substitute?Guilherme. Both made the same run, both arrived at the same time, and while the cross seemed destined for Manucho, Angola was left with nothing as the two attackers threw each other off.

    While for much of the second half each side seemed capable of scoring, the final whistle left Morocco wondering how their effort never found a goal. From the opening whistle they outran the Antelopes, but their fluidity through the middle third became bogged down as they approached goal. Even after Angola came into the game, their speed out of their half meant they were one well-executed counter away from taking full points.

    Perhaps that?s why Angola showed signs of relief after the match, their players quickly turning the to crowd to clap to their fans as multiple Moroccans sat on the field. For a team that has ambitions to go far in the tournament, the Angolans came precariously close to giving another team full points.

    Because they had their own chances at the end, Gustavo Ferrin?s players may convince themselves they outplayed Morocco, but Angola should not feel comfortable with how close they came to letting Morocco control this match.

    EARLIER: Cape Verda takes point from hosts South Africa


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    Tuesday, January 15, 2013

    Coca-Cola launches 'obesity ad'


    Fizzy-drink giant Coca-Cola has launched an advert addressing obesity for the first time on television.

    The two-minute commercial highlights the firm?s record of making low-calorie drinks and reminds viewers all foods contain calories.

    The ad, which aired on US cable networks on Monday, follows mounting pressure on the soft drinks industry.

    New York City is preparing to ban large sugary drinks in restaurants, cinemas and stadiums.

    Coca-Cola has said the video was not made in response to criticism of the soft drink industry, but is an effort to raise awareness.

    It is not the first time the Atlanta-based firm has used advertising to address this issue, but it is a first for television.

    ?There?s an important conversation going on about obesity out there, and we want to be a part of the conversation,? Stuart Kronauge, general manager of sparkling beverages for Coca-Cola North America, told the Associated Press.

    In the advert, a female narrator says Coca-Cola offers smaller portion sizes, is working to make better-tasting, low-calorie sweeteners and has voluntarily made lower-calorie drinks available at schools.

    The video adds: ?All calories count, no matter where they come from.?

    It says: ?If you eat and drink more calories than you burn off, you?ll gain weight.?

    Another ad, which will air later this week, features activities that add up to burning off the ?140 happy calories? in a can of Coke.

    But Mike Jacobson, executive director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, said that if the company was serious about tackling obesity it would stop fighting a tax on its drinks.

    ?It looks like a page out of Damage Control 101,? he said. ?They?re trying to disarm the public.?

    Industry tracker Beverage Digest has reported that consumption of fizzy drinks in the US has been declining steadily since 1998.


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    BiblioTech: Texas to unveil nation's first book-less library

    A book-less library.

    It sounds like an oxymoron, but come the fall of 2013, San Antonio's Bexar County is going to be home to the BiblioTech, the country's first book-less public library. Of course, there will be books -- just e-books, not physical books.

    The 4,989 square-foot space will look like a modern library, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, who was inspired to pursue the project after reading Walter Issacson's Steve Jobs biography, told ABC News. (A glance at the photo shows that its inspired by Apple in more ways than one.) Instead of aisles and aisles of books there will be aisles and aisles of computers and gadgets. At the start, it will have 100 e-readers available for circulation and to take out, and then 50 e-readers for children, 50 computer stations, 25 laptops and 25 tablets on site.

    "We all know the world is changing. I am an avid book reader. I read hardcover books, I have a collection of 1,000 first editions. Books are important to me," Wolff told ABC News. "But the world is changing and this is the best, most effective way to bring services to our community."

    Library goers will be able to take out books on any of the devices in the library, take out one of the 50 e-readers for a period of time or bring their own e-readers to the library and load books onto their own devices. The library will also be partnering with e-book providers or distributors to provide access to over 10,000 titles. The hope is to add to that collection annually. The county is still figuring out who will provide the equipment and has requests for proposals out for the e-readers and other equipment.

    Currently Amazon and Barnes & Noble offer services on their respective e-readers which work at libraries. You can take out books on the e-reader devices and then check them back in to the library remotely.

    "You will be able to check out a book, read it on-site. It will be a learning environment -- you'll be able to learn about technology itself as well as access a tremendous amount of information," Wolff said. There will also be a children's area with interactive tables and interactive walls. Wolff also said the library is exploring adding other media to the library, like movies and music.

    "That could be a real possibility. This is a new venture -- we are starting with the basics -- but we will have the opportunity to add on to that," he said in a phone interview.

    But it won't be a completely paper-free library. "The only thing I believe we will charge for is if you want to print out something," Wolff said. "We will charge for the copies you would want to print out."

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    Monday, January 14, 2013

    Messenger For iPad, One More Thing Facebook Could Be Unveiling On Tuesday (Alexia Tsotsis/TechCrunch)

    image: TechCrunch

    Take a look at that "reach friends wherever they are now" image to the left. What's missing between the iPhone and the laptop? Ding ding ding! You're right! A tablet. Okay, I'm sure it was obvious. In fact, many of you may have already assumed that Facebook has a version of its Messenger for iPad. Well it doesn't, and seeing as though it took the company quite awhile to launch Facebook for iPad, the lag comes as no surprise.

    Take a look at that ?reach friends wherever they are now? image to the left. What?s missing between the iPhone and the laptop? Ding ding ding! You?re right! A tablet. ...


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